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Despite everything, Arévalo is the new president – ​​PublicoGT

Author: Jairo Alarcón Rodas

Sancho, let the dogs bark, it’s a sign that we’re riding.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The serious situation in which the country finds itself as a consequence of the actions undertaken by the Corrupt Pact, which have extended their perverse domination in all spheres of the State of Guatemala, leaves the network of corruption established during the government of Otto Pérez Molina as simple apprentices compared to the governments of Jimmy Morales and Alejandro Giammattei. It was naively thought that there could not be a government that would surpass the legacy of Roxana Baldetti and Otto Pérez in corruption, such an assumption was far from the truth, after seeing the magnitude of the thefts and acts of corruption and impunity of such governments.

Undoubtedly, to achieve such a degree of co-optation of State institutions, they counted on the recruitment and complicity of unscrupulous vassals, sinister characters who, as Voltaire said, they believe that money does everything And because of that, they end up doing everything for money, those who sell themselves in exchange for wealth and do not mind losing their dignity in order to achieve their goal. Individuals who do what is asked of them, pawns of a perverse and decadent system.

Characters that, in this case, represent the operators of the disastrous plan of an oligarchy that refuses to reconsider its role in the country and that illegitimately, in hiding, exercises power through control of State institutions. But now it is facing a Guatemalan society that is beginning to awaken and, with the votes cast, has reaffirmed that it aspires to build a democracy and establish a true rule of law.

However, the sovereignty of every country rests with the people and the fact that they have been elected heads of government, deputies, mayors, does not mean that they hold absolute power, it does not mean that abnormal actions or crimes should be put up with them. As representatives of the company, they can be made to see their mistakes and revoke their mandate, companies do not sign a blank check to their authorities. Especially if the way in which they have been elected does not correspond to the democratic ideals that every country should uphold and, in the case of Guatemala, the electoral and political party law suffers from many flaws which prevent the electoral system from being genuine. .

With this background, the Corrupt Pact hatched a plan to continue in power and perpetuate itself in power and, in collusion with the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, made it impossible to register candidates who could spoil their objective. Now, they did not say that the Seed Movement could surprise and that Bernardo Arévalo de León would make it to the second round, because their strategists’ calculations failed.

Despite the campaign of disinformation and lies deployed, by all means, from the government sphere and its allies in corruption, despite the complicity of the businessmen of the faith, Cash Luna, Jorge López, Sergio Enríquez, among others , those who literally demonized the Seed Movement and its presidential candidate, urging them to vote for Sandra Torres, the Guatemalans reaffirmed their desire for change and clearly chose Karin Herrera and Bernardo Arévalo as their presidential pairing. Reason was stronger than the perverse motivations of the enemies of democracy and the rule of law.

Just by looking at Arévalo’s detractors, what their actions have been in the country’s problems, how their behavior and performance have been in the search and consolidation of a just and democratic society, free of corruption, to know who the enemies are of the country, who are those who have hindered justice and have benefited from the state of corruption that exists in Guatemala.

Despite the series of tricks, the resounding victory of Bernardo Arévalo has shown that Guatemalans want a change, to get out of corruption, out of the mire in which the government of Alejandro Giammattei and the Corrupt Pact have overwhelmed them. The persecution has not stopped, moreover, it is presaged that the criminals, entrenched in the powers of the State, will not hand over power, on January 14, to the winning couple, thus trying to consolidate a coup d’état and, with it, perpetuate themselves in the power.

Since the first round, with the surprising rise of Arévalo’s candidacy, the public ministry of Consuelo Porras and her servile lackey, Rafael Curruchiche, with the complicity of the corrupt judge Freddy Martínez, began to harass and persecute said party with an investigation spurious, called “seed corruption”, thereby pretending their non-participation in the second round of elections, which they did not achieve. However, the harassment continued with the complicity of corrupt judges, the board of directors of the Congress of the Republic and instances belonging to the Corrupt Pact.

Bernardo Arévalo and Karin Herrera have already won the presidency of Guatemala, the country has already decided who its rulers will be, which is irreversible, and despite the gruesome actions of criminals, of those who hold power and who now intend to stage a coup State to continue with its robberies and gluts, the people have the last word and, turning en masse to defend the victory obtained on August 20, they will demonstrate where the sovereignty of a country lies.

Undoubtedly, the Corrupt Pact has a lot to lose, since the conditions such as those that are presented today after the electoral event had not materialized, a situation like this had not occurred for a long time, which endangers the series of privileges and impunity for criminals in power. The opportunity has presented itself and should be seized by supporting the new government of Bernardo Arévalo, being direct participants in the change.

Free from excessive optimism and unbridled triumphalism, the idea should be to start rebuilding the country and its reconstruction should start from a change of attitude in each one of the Guatemalans, a re-education that moves us away from the inertia of the suffocating corruption of this country and that all civilized society is obliged to banish. Undoubtedly, there will be resistance, which will have to be put in place with a view to founding a new society. A country in which its inhabitants ignore the rules of coexistence, which consists of civility, is condemned to live in barbarism.

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