This year everything is different, an auction with many visitors is currently unthinkable due to Corona. “We still want to stick to the tradition,” says festival organizer Christiane Hoffmann. However, there is only one possibility: only the auctioneers Axel Krüger and Mike Altmann and a technician who ensures that the auction is broadcast on the Internet will meet in the Kommwohnen-Saal on Saturday. It starts at 2 p.m. “We are auctioning fewer objects and experiences this year than in other years,” says Christiane Hoffmann.
Three hours would be rather difficult
She knows: a three-hour event in front of the screen would be rather difficult. Instead, it should only take about an hour this time. The items to be auctioned can already be seen on the association’s Internet and Facebook pages, where blind bids can already be submitted. A tin car from the Eigenbau brand for children is included, for example, a historic radio, an ancient coffee roaster, a chess clock or various lamps. Christiane Hoffmann is particularly pleased that several artists spontaneously make themselves available for the auction. A living room concert with Daniel Jurke can be auctioned, five liters of bubble spit from Görlitzer Blubberey or a Berzi: a small, actually unsaleable clay figure by the artist Frank Grabs.