Home » today » News » Despite consistently high case numbers: Georgia is pushing ahead with easing – even Trump reacts with criticism – politics

Despite consistently high case numbers: Georgia is pushing ahead with easing – even Trump reacts with criticism – politics

The US has nearly a million corona cases and more than 50,000 people have already died as a result of the epidemic. Nevertheless, some states are pushing for a quick relaxation of the corona measures.

In the southern state of Georgia, hairdressers, fitness studios, bowling centers, tattoo studios and other smaller businesses were initially allowed to open – albeit under strict security precautions. Customers have to wear protective masks. From Monday on, restaurants and theaters are allowed to open again.

Many believe the action of the Conservative Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is premature. Even US President Donald Trump, who is counting on a quick return to normalcy, criticized his party colleague Kemp: he was “absolutely not in agreement” with his decision, the president said on Wednesday. Around 22,200 coronavirus infections and around 900 deaths were last reported in Georgia.

In addition to Georgia, Oklahoma and Alaska also want to reopen the economy step by step as soon as possible – despite massive concerns. So in Oklahoma were allowed to resume small shops like nail salons and hairdressers. In Alaska, restaurants were allowed to reopen.

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Experts fear a surge in infections if the corona restrictions are loosened too quickly – and warn of a second wave of infections.

Trump had presented a three-step plan for a gradual relaxation and lifting of the coronavirus restrictions last week. In the United States, it is ultimately the governors who decide to relax measures.

The United States is the country with the most confirmed corona infections and deaths worldwide. The fatality threshold of 50,000 was exceeded on Friday. That is about twice as many deaths as in Italy. (Tsp, AFP)

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