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Despertares offers “small windows” to dance events in the world

Considered one of the most important dancers in the world today, for the Mexican Isaac Hernández, ballet represents certain refugea space in which, he assured, he can spend time with himself, get to know and accept his physical limitations and as an individual, in addition to forging his character and testing his discipline and rigor.

So, for me, doing ballet classes every day, listening to my body and feeling it the way I have built it is something very special; Finding an emotional connection to physicality is a very important thing for human beings, and I would love for more people to be able to feel that connection.he explained.

“For this reason, even if someone is not a professional dancer, I recommend that they dance and never stop doing it, because the connection they achieve with another person and with themselves, with their emotions, at the time physicalize with the movement, it is essential for everyone. From the beginning of our existence, we are dancing, it is something that gives us great satisfaction; “We have danced for our gods and for rituals, we have danced all the time.”

The Jalisco performer announced in Mexico City the tenth edition of awakenings, dance gala that he created 13 years ago and that has established itself among the most important in the world, which will take place on August 23 at the National Auditorium, and whose seats went on pre-sale last Tuesday.

This show brings together on the same stage the most outstanding figures of international dance, as well as the most relevant choreographic works of the dance universe in its various genres and variants, from classical and contemporary ballet to urban, tap, jazz and popping, among others. .

In addition to a plethora of figures, such as Natalia Osipova, Michelle Dorrance, Catherine Hurloing and Braylon Browler, this edition will feature the world premiere of two choreographies created specifically, in addition to presenting a fragment of the acclaimed Giselle, performed by Akram Khan, one of the most renowned British choreographers of his generation, and an act from the new version of The lake of cinemas which the renowned Brazilian choreographer Juliano Nunes will premiere on August 21 with the National Ballet of Sodres, Uruguay.

Trying to educate, a mistake

I try to see the program as little windows into what has happened or changed in the dance world in recent years, but also as an opportunity for people who can’t travel to where those artists and works are performed to enjoy a evening with great emotional meaningIsaac Hernández indicated in a press conference, who acknowledged that in the first years of this proposal he made the mistake of try to educate to the public, a situation that has been amended by now seeking to offer the best, so that the viewer is the one who decides.

Just days before turning 34, on April 30, the star of the San Francisco Ballet, from the United States, said he was lucky to have a very skilled and trained tool to constantly test your physical limits; He assured that the freedom he feels on stage it becomes an addiction.

He assured that, although he greatly enjoys his role as a software programmer, awakenings, He still does not know if in the future he would like to take charge of the artistic direction of a ballet company, a task that he defined as very complex, in addition to I still haven’t decided what I would like to do when I stop being a dancer.. What he does know is that he feels the responsibility to continue defending classical ballet.

Isaac Hernández spoke about the current political moment in Mexico, in which he stated that he was very interested, specifically, in the cultural program of the candidates for the Presidency, but above all in how they are going to fulfill their proposals on the matter, for example, the issue of social security for artists.

It seems to me that it is a key moment for Mexico. Geopolitics has changed and the country has a positioning that we have not seen for a long time. So, I am interested in not neglecting these issues and truly proposing modern ideas that allow us to be a competitive country in the creative field.he highlighted.

The creative industries in the UK generate more than £200 billion a year for the economy. So, not considering them a real power of development for a country like Mexico, which is so creative, and not providing the appropriate tools for that industry to grow sustainably and be competitive, seems to me to be a terrible mistake.

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– 2024-04-13 09:28:00

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