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Desperate Situation: Stranded Motorists Endure Hours-Long Queue in Severe Snowfall

Toril Aina Edvartsen has been standing in the queue since 11.30, she says when Dagbladet talks to her shortly after 11pm on Monday evening.

– It’s absolutely terrible. It is inhumane to have to stand here and not get any information, says Edvartsen to Dagbladet.

Smaalenes Avis mentioned the situation to Edvartsen first. She is one of several who are stuck in the queue between Ørje and the Swedish border on the E18 in Indre Østfold after a violent snowfall

Yellow warning for snow

Pee in a bottle

Edvartsen has not eaten since she ate a bowl at 11 o’clock. Toilets are also not available, so she has found herself forced to pee on an old soda bottle that she had left in the car.

– I cut off the top of it and slipped it into my trousers – several times – and emptied it on the outside of the car, she says.

DON’T FANTA: You don’t want to drink the contents of this bottle. Edvartsen has had to use an imaginary bottle to pee, while she is stuck in the queue. Photo: Private Show more

– The one time the panties got wet and I had to cut the panties at both ends. I thought “so good, then I can use my panties as toilet paper”.

On one side of the road there is an elk guard, on the other side there is a median discount. It wasn’t particularly tempting to squat in front of everyone in the queue, she says.

– It’s about dignity and exposure, she says.

– Never experienced anything like it

Fear for life

Edvartsen claims that she has called for help and information.

– I have called the police, the National Roads Administration, the rescue center – no one can say anything. They cannot say anything about how long we will stand here.

She fears for her fellow people in the queue, which she estimates is between five and six kilometers long.

– It is not a matter of course that everyone lives through this queue. Why doesn’t anyone help us?, says Edvartsen.

CHAOS: The snow has settled thickly between the stationary cars. Photo: Private Show more

Emergency coordinator Arnulf Hansen in the Red Cross, says Smaalenes Avis that they have been called out to do a so-called “safety check” to check whether those sitting in the cars are alive.

– A car runs out of fuel, people may not have food or blankets. You can freeze to death, says Hansen to the newspaper.

The police have several emergency crews at the scene, but Edvartsen has not seen anything from any of them, she says.

– I had to get water from a trailer driver, then I started crying with joy, she says.

WEATHER: The snow descends over Eastern Norway and leads to slippery roads and accidents on Monday 30 October. Video: Dagbladet tips. Reporter: Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. view more

– Crisis

Edvartsen says she has good survival skills, but that she is worried about children, animals and sick people in the queue.

– It’s quite a crisis.

The police do not know how long they will have to stay. To Dagbladet, operations manager in the police, Fredrik Solbakken, said that the road from Sweden is closed to open a lane.

It is primarily heavy transport that struggles to move forward, which causes queues for the rest.

2023-10-31 00:38:01

#Queuing #Pees #bottle

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