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Desperate for holiday money bang: – This is completely tragic

After being laid off several times since the outbreak of the pandemic, Almira Lokaj Berbati is back at work at Taxfree at Oslo Airport Gardermoen.

She estimates to have worked for a total of one month in 2021.

But even though she is now back at work, and hopefully will not have to be laid off again, she is worried about next summer. Because with the current scheme, she will not receive holiday pay next year for the period she has been laid off.

– It is unfair. It’s not that they can not afford it. And that it deprives children of the opportunity to take a holiday because mother or father can not afford, I think is completely tragic.

Asks for help from the Labor Party

In 2015, it came to an end that people who received unemployment benefits were given the opportunity to earn holiday pay. A temporary scheme ensured that those who received unemployment benefits during the pandemic last year could receive holiday supplements this year.

Now Rødt wants to reintroduce the scheme permanently, and asks for support from the Labor Party.

WANTS CHANGE: Seher Aydar (Red) hopes that the Labor Party will agree to reintroduce the scheme that was discontinued in 2015. Photo: TV 2

– What is needed now is that all parties – especially the Labor Party and the Center Party – guarantee that this will be a permanent arrangement, so that no one has to dread the summer. This must happen quickly, so that those who have been unemployed this year will also receive holiday pay next year, says parliamentary candidate in Oslo for Rødt, Seher Aydar.

The parliamentary candidate points out that the holiday money is not only used to finance holiday trips, but also to other expenses such as loans and food.

– This affects not only the individual, but also their children. If it is meant seriously that we should do something about children who grow up with bad advice because the family has bad advice, then we must make sure that everyone at least gets an income all year round, even when it is summer.

– The work begins if we get a majority

Leader of the Labor Party, Jonas Gahr Støre, promises change if the party gains government power after this year’s parliamentary elections.

– When this was revoked as a right, we were against it. Then we argued that everyone who has been laid off during the pandemic had to receive holiday pay. It was argued very strongly against from the government until they introduced something in the final phase, says Støre.

– We want this back as a right, and we will start the work if we get a majority, he adds.

Back at Gardermoen, Berbati hopes that she can get holiday pay next summer for the period she has been laid off.

– It is not our fault that it is a pandemic, that we have been in a layoff period and have to switch to unemployment benefits. Had we been given the opportunity, we would have worked and earned the holiday pay.

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