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Desk Tennis Nocera, one other bronze medal for Iovine

The Colleferro Open formally closes the 2023-24 season for aggressive desk tennis competitions. The Tt Nocerawho was concurrently busy together with his athletes additionally on the CSI nationwide championship held on the Palacoscioni in Decrease Noceraintroduced dwelling one other medal due to the standard Lorenzo Iovine. The younger tennis participant of Nocera Superiore within the Lazio over 3000 he was the protagonist of one other formidable event.

After comfortably profitable his group, the 16-year-old progressed to the spherical of 32 in 4 units Pecciarini after which beat them simply in three units Tropeano That Isaiah within the spherical of 16 and quarterfinals respectively. The younger tennis participant’s journey ended within the semi-final with a touch of remorse: he was the truth is two units up earlier than struggling a comeback from the eventual winner of the event Federico Righi. In the identical event nothing to do for Giuseppe Caso e Raffaele D’Avino exited within the group stage after profitable only one match. For Lorenzo Iovine, that is the third bronze medal of the season, which is added to the sixth class regional champion title received in doubles with Caso, in addition to a second place within the doubles class.

As for the CSI, a bronze medal was awarded to Giuseppe Caso within the Scholar class. Nice remorse for the younger athlete from Nocera Inferiore who needed to withdraw from the semi-final as he was unable to play it in entrance of his personal viewers. The Rossoneri membership will now end the final week of coaching after which resume aggressive actions after mid-August. Within the meantime, the administration is working to replenish the employees for the brand new season.

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– 2024-06-26 20:48:39

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