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Desislava Doncheva: The Canton Fair is a bridge between Chinese and Bulgarian business

/Pogled.info/ The 133rd Canton Fair and the new services for business and opportunities for global trade was the topic of our conversation with the chairperson of the Bulgarian-Chinese Chamber for Industrial Development Desislava Doncheva.

– Mrs. Doncheva, as the chairman of the Bulgarian-Chinese Chamber of Industrial Development and as one of the most famous business ladies, please tell us more about the Canton Fair – one of the biggest and most important events in the field of business between China and the rest of the world world coming up in mid-April, and what is your organization doing to promote this important business event?

– In order to present the 133rd edition of the Canton Fair, our Chamber organized an online conference in which more than 50 representatives of various companies, business organizations and companies interested in expanding their relations and business with China participated.

The Canton Fair is the largest and oldest trade fair in China. Held since 1957, located in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, the Canton Fair attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year from all over the world. Currently, the Canton Trade Fair is held twice a year: the spring edition takes place in late April and May, and the autumn edition in October and November.

– You are well aware of the business opportunities with China, as well as with other countries, and therefore please highlight some of the goals that the Canton Fair has?

– Some of the more important goals of this extremely important exhibition are primarily related to expanding the scale and consolidating its position as “China’s No. 1 Fair”. The physical Canton Fair will be fully resumed and will be held in 3 phases. Its 133rd edition will include an expansion of space, with the total exhibition area increasing from 1.18 million to 1.5 million square meters.

Another important objective of this event is to optimize the exhibition structure and showcase the latest developments of various sectors. The layout of the exhibition parts will be improved and new categories will be added to showcase the achievements of trade improvement, industrial progress and scientific and technological innovation.

It is very important to highlight the conduct of the fair online and offline and accelerating the digital transformation. Integration of virtual and physical fair and digitization will be accelerated. Exhibitors will be able to complete the entire process digitally, including application, booth setup, product display, and site preparation.

Among the important goals and ambitions that this exclusive trade forum sets for itself is the improvement of target marketing and the expansion of the global buyer market. The Canton Fair will be opened wide to invite buyers from home and abroad. The 133rd edition of the Canton Fair eases the conditions for exhibitors, which will contribute to more participants and more global partnerships.

Finally, but not least, I would like to emphasize the growing role of this exhibition to further promote investment by increasing the activities of the exhibition. In 2023, the second Pearl River Forum will be held, modeled as one plus N. The purpose is to create a stage for international trade opinions, to hear the voice of the Canton Fair, and to contribute the wisdom of the Canton Fair.

The 133rd Canton Fair is grouped thematically – each edition consists of three phases: the first is dedicated to electronics and lighting. The second phase is aimed at consumer goods, and the third at textiles and medical products. Manufacturers of all kinds of products can be found during the Canton Trade Fair.

– What were some of the main messages and highlights during the official presentation of the Canton Fair, organized by the Chamber for the Bulgarian public and above all for the business environment?

– We organized the presentation in a hybrid format, thus obtaining the participation of representatives not only from Bulgaria, but also from China, as well as well-known Bulgarian businessmen who have good relations with China. Some of them made presentations in person, in front of the audience, which participated “live”.

Very interesting and received with applause was the welcome and speech of Mr. Xinyang Wu, consultant of the International Department of the China Foreign Trade Centre, who presented online to the participants of the meeting details of the organization of the exhibition, and also gave answers to questions about the various reliefs and new opportunities for the participation of representatives not only from Bulgaria, but also from other countries, especially from CEE.

I can also recall some of the more important topics that were presented and discussed by experts, specialists and participants “Export insurance and financial risk management in transactions with third parties” was presented by the General Manager of one of the most serious insurance companies – European Insurance Consortium. Another extremely interesting topic was “Possibilities for partnerships with China in the field of green energy”, presented by an expert from RES. In the course of the event, there were also questions from the participants, which we answered, both from the Bulgarian and Chinese sides.

– As the organizer of this interesting and useful for Bulgarian and global business event – the presentation of the Canton Fair, what do you personally expect from the exhibition?

– My expectations have always been, and now I will not betray my convictions, that relations between China and Bulgaria have very good prospects, but they also have many missed opportunities that we – all together – can and must catch up on. I am sure that now, after the liberalization of anti-epidemic measures, more and more participants, both from Bulgaria and from other countries around the world, will show the best that they produce and export. I am sure that the Canton Fair will further contribute to the rapprochement and facilitation of business relations between our countries.

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