Home » today » Health » Designer Lin Guoji developed cardiac hypertrophy from high-intensity weight training, prompting him to reassess his lifestyle. Enlarged heart and cardiac hypertrophy can be fatal and have no early symptoms. Risk factors include hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and vitamin B1 deficiency. Prevention includes maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and reducing salt and alcohol intake. Strenuous exercise should be avoided, but regular, moderate exercise can help. Proper hypertension control can improve the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy.

Designer Lin Guoji developed cardiac hypertrophy from high-intensity weight training, prompting him to reassess his lifestyle. Enlarged heart and cardiac hypertrophy can be fatal and have no early symptoms. Risk factors include hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and vitamin B1 deficiency. Prevention includes maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and reducing salt and alcohol intake. Strenuous exercise should be avoided, but regular, moderate exercise can help. Proper hypertension control can improve the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy.

Lin Guoji, a designer who once incorporated the painting of the Qingming Riverside into clothing design and stunning European and American fashion circles, suddenly had difficulty breathing and almost fainted when he was working in the company four years ago. After being rushed to the hospital, he was found to have high blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy. He suspected cardiac hypertrophy It was related to high-intensity weight training. Since then, I dare not practice anymore, and began to think about how to live a good life and enjoy life. Finally, I spent a lot of money to buy a 600-square-meter villa in Beitou Mountain to become a fashionable farmer.

Cardiac hypertrophy is actually a common heart disease, including high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, vitamin B1 deficiency, etc., which can be fatal. What’s more, there may be no symptoms in the early stage of cardiac hypertrophy! The following treatment days will sort out the causes, symptoms, and how to prevent heart hypertrophy.

What is an enlarged heart?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disorder in which the heart muscle becomes thickened (hypertrophied). Thickened heart muscle makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. Many patients with heart hypertrophy have asymptomatic symptoms, so they are diagnosed very late, and the hypertrophy of the myocardium may cause chest pain or changes in the cardiac electrophysiological system, which may cause life-threatening arrhythmias, and severe cases may cause sudden death on the spot.

source:Mayo Clinic

What is the cause of heart hypertrophy? How to prevent it?

There are two types of cardiac hypertrophy:

enlarged heart

Refers to the enlargement of the chambers of the heart without the thickening of the heart muscle, sometimes thinning (as opposed to the condition of cardiac hypertrophy). This condition usually results from a loss of elasticity in the heart muscle, which enlarges due to increased blood flow and pressure. Common causes are myocarditis, valvular insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, or vitamin B1 deficiency.

Cardiac hypertrophy

In contrast to the condition of an enlarged heart, hypertrophy is the thickening of the heart muscle, but the chambers in the heart are not enlarged and sometimes become smaller. This symptom usually arises from narrowing of the outlet of the heart (eg, aortic stenosis), increased resistance at the end of the blood vessel (eg, hypertension), and cardiomyopathy (eg, hereditary cardiac hypertrophy).

What are the signs of an enlarged heart?

  1. Chest pain and discomfort, especially during exercise
  2. Fainting, especially when exercising or being extremely tired
  3. Shortness of breath, especially when exercising
  4. A heart murmur that a doctor may detect during auscultation of the heart
  5. Rapid heartbeat, abnormal beating (eg, excessive pounding, palpitations)

Is an enlarged heart serious? Will you die? How many years can it survive?

People with hypertrophy of the heart are more prone to arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, peripheral arterial disease and other problems, which may naturally lead to death in severe cases. As for how many years you can survive, it depends on whether the condition of cardiac hypertrophy is serious and where it occurs; according to “Yadong Hospital News”, if left ventricular hypertrophy is found in the electrocardiogram, according to medical statistics, the five-year mortality rate is 33% for men and 21% for women. %. Proper control of hypertension can improve the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy and reduce related risks.

How should patients be cared for? What should we pay attention to in diet?

Preventing cardiac hypertrophy must reduce some of the causes of cardiac hypertrophy, known as risk factors:

  • control weight
  • blood pressure control
  • reduce salt intake
  • quit drinking
  • maintain regular exercise
  • Maintain a happy mood and relieve stress

It is worth mentioning that when treating high blood pressure, physicians should also consider the possible risks of cardiac hypertrophy, and should choose drugs that do not enhance the sympathetic nervous system.

Extended reading: High blood pressure does not need to take medicine if there are no symptoms? Excessive blood pressure may lead to “hypertensive crisis” such as pulmonary edema and acute renal failure

Reminders for the day of treatment: what exercise can’t be done with cardiac hypertrophy?

Mild cases, if the heart is not failing, can carry out ordinary activities, but strenuous exercise should be avoided. Excessively intense exercise will cause the underlying cardiovascular disease to cause acute myocardial ischemia, leading to sudden cardiac death. Regular, moderate exercise can help keep your health in check, but it’s best to consult a specialist before making an exercise program.

Extended recommendation for treatment days: Myocardial infarction self-rescue and heart-protection three major tricks can greatly improve the efficiency of first aid!
Have a good chat and heal your healthy life

Reference materials: Mayo Clinic, Yadong Hospital

Image source: 123RF

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