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Descemer Bueno shoots Aldo El Aldeano. What did they answer?

Just a few days away from Christmas and in what should be the warmest and most peaceful season of the year, the shootings between Cuban urban singers do not stop, such is the case of reggaeton singer Descemer Bueno, who decided to hook up with rapper Aldo ‘Al2 El Aldeano’ .

Bueno, who had sworn to stay away from political issues for fear of reprisals, praised the new song that rapper El Adversario dedicated to the leader of La Cueva, Al2 Castrowhere he calls the rapper an “imposter,” claims he lied about an arrest and never went hungry in Cuba.

In a seven-minute rap, El Adversario, who had had problems with Aldo in the past, tried to argue that, in general, the rapper’s opposition image is a farce.

Through his social networks, Bueno shared the video of the song, defending the lyrics and throwing more at Aldo, with hints.

“Now I understand the need and why there are some who hide under the skirt of the five heroes of Miami, and lend themselves to trying to destroy your career, when one day you opened the doors of your home and the big companies, very much. roar like a lion to live under the wing of a bird, and it is very sad to see how there are talented artists who prefer to turn their back on you, just to gain the safe passage of the silence of the lambs,” he wrote.

Bueno dedicated several subliminal messages to El Aldeano, although without mentioning a name, and the first to comment on him was El Adversario.

“Thank you teacher for sharing the truth,” commented the rapper.

El Adversario faced serious controversy some time ago for singing in favor of the new Constitution created by the regime. In this new tirade against Aldo, the Cuban assures that he only sang for the dictatorship because he gave in “to the pressure, because we are hostages in this robolution.”

The shooting caught the attention of several listeners, because Bueno, who participated in the opposition anthem Patria y Vida, was on bad terms with the other authors of the song, precisely for having done it only for money and for having later declared that they “forced” him. to participate.

According to Descemer, he was “deceived by the wolves”, suffered a lot after that, record Homeland and Life It was “the worst mistake of his life,” and he did not want to have anything to do with the opposition again. That’s why now she is surprised that he attacks one of the protesting artists, also accusing him of falsifying his image.

In an accurate comment, Aldo responded to Descemer, and his response suggests that the reggaeton artist could appear in the end-of-year tirade that El Aldeano has prepared against severalof which the only one known for sure so far is El Taiger.

“Don’t cry later, old dyke,” wrote El Aldeano, raising expectations among his followers.

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