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Des Moines Public Schools Dismiss Classes Early Amid Sweltering Heat Wave

Des Moines Public ⁣Schools will be dismissing classes three hours early on Thursday due to ​the‌ continuation of a heat wave in the Midwest.⁤ The⁣ region‌ is experiencing high temperatures ⁣and humidity, with‌ a⁤ high-pressure ridge over⁤ Iowa and moisture from the Gulf⁤ of Mexico contributing to‌ the unseasonably hot conditions.

Des Moines recently set a record high temperature of 100 degrees ‍on August‌ 23, which is 17 degrees above​ average. Throughout Iowa and its ⁣surrounding areas, temperatures ‍have ⁢been about ​20 degrees above average on Tuesday and Wednesday, ‌according to the National Weather Service.

On ​Thursday, Des Moines is expected to reach a high temperature ⁣of 99 degrees, with a heat ⁤index of 105 degrees. In response to these extreme conditions,⁤ DMPS elementary schools will‌ dismiss at‍ 11:40 a.m., while ​middle and high schools will dismiss at 12:25 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will still be ⁣served to ⁢students.

Although all DMPS classrooms are air-conditioned, most of the buses are not. DMPS Superintendent Dr. ​Ian Roberts expressed concern for the health and well-being of students and staff members, ​stating that early dismissal will help avoid exposing them to the ‍highest forecasted temperatures of the‍ day.

Outdoor high ⁣school practices will be scheduled​ between‌ 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.⁤ or after 7:30 p.m., and all​ outdoor⁤ athletic‌ competitions for ⁣Thursday will be postponed. Additionally, Metro kids after-school childcare will not be ⁤available after the early‌ dismissal.

In a similar⁣ move, Johnston schools closed early on Wednesday and will do the same on Thursday due to the near record-breaking heat wave in Iowa. The decision was ⁣made because⁣ geothermal cooling systems in ​some buildings were not able to keep up with the excessive ⁢heat. All schools in the district were​ released early for equitable ‍purposes.

Secondary⁤ schools in Johnston ​will dismiss at 11:50 a.m., while elementary schools​ will dismiss at 1 p.m. School buses will ‌transport students home ​at‍ those ​times,‌ and ​Kids Connection child care‍ will remain open until 5 p.m.

The excessive heat warning is expected to lift on Thursday‍ evening, but until then, many Iowa schools, including Des Moines, have curbed outdoor activities for the week. Some‍ schools ‍across⁣ the state have⁣ even pushed back their start dates until⁢ Monday, and others have planned early dismissals on ‍Wednesday, according to officials from the Iowa State Education Association.

As the ⁢heat wave continues to impact the region,⁣ it​ is important​ for ‍individuals to take ‌precautions⁣ and stay hydrated to ensure ​their safety​ and well-being.
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How have the high temperatures in Des Moines and its​ surrounding areas affected the operations of the⁢ local schools?

Mentary, middle, and high schools will be dismissing⁣ classes three hours ⁢early.

The‌ heat wave⁣ in the Midwest has brought ​about unusually hot and humid conditions in the region. A high-pressure ridge‍ over ‌Iowa and moisture from the Gulf of ‌Mexico‌ have⁣ contributed to these extreme temperatures. Des Moines specifically experienced a record high temperature of 100 degrees on ​August ⁣23, which ‌is significantly above the‍ average. This trend of high temperatures has persisted throughout Iowa and its surrounding areas.

To‍ ensure the safety and well-being of ​students, Des‌ Moines ‍Public Schools have made the decision​ to dismiss classes three⁤ hours early on ⁣Thursday. The forecast ​for that ​day predicts a‌ high temperature of 99 degrees, with a heat index ⁤of 105 degrees. This early dismissal will help⁢ minimize the students’ exposure to the extreme⁤ heat and‍ allow ⁣them ​to⁣ seek cooler​ environments.

1 thought on “Des Moines Public Schools Dismiss Classes Early Amid Sweltering Heat Wave”

  1. “Great decision by the school district to prioritize the safety and well-being of the students. Heat waves can be really dangerous, especially for young children.”


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