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Derby Losc – RC Lens: “we are going to be discreet”, the Lensois ready to circumvent the travel ban in a high-risk match

A prefectural decree prohibits access to the stadium and its surroundings to blood and gold, for a confrontation deemed to be at risk after the excesses of the first leg. However, Lensois will indeed find themselves in the stands of Pierre Mauroy, this Saturday, April 16.

A derby that smells of sulfur. How will the confrontation between Lille and Lens take place, Saturday April 16, at 8 p.m., at Pierre Mauroy? After the excesses of the first leg, on September 18, the Nord prefecture decided to prohibit access to the stadium and its surroundings, to all Lensois supporters.

A decision contested by the group of ultras Red Tigers Lens “This decree risks creating more problems than solving them, they write in a letter, dated April 5. Many Lensois supporters risk being scattered within the sports arena in complete legality.

The senator of Pas-de-Calais, Cathy Apourceau-Poly, also sent a letter to the prefect indicating his “surprise of the administrative sanction”. Just like the mayor of Lens, Sylvain Robert. Other deputies and senators from Pas-de-Calais and the North supported the request of the Red Tigers.

Indeed, the prefectural measure seems easily circumvented. Without a jersey, scarf or other distinctive sign, a blood and gold supporter could easily access the stadium. This is why several of them took their place for the meeting, despite the ban. As the visitor parking lot is closed, they will find themselves mixed with Lille residents in the stands.

This will be the case of Jordan, 26, fan and subscriber of RC Lens. He will be present next Saturday, and ensures that he will be discreet. “I intend to go there in neutral clothes, he explains. If Lens scores, I won’t shout and if Lille scores I’ll stand up. We will do this intelligently, we will be discreet and we will go to the stadium in peace.”

Like Jordan, how many blood and gold will attend the game on Saturday? “We all know that Lensois bought tickets in the Lille stands, confirms François Stock, president of the Dogues du net section, host of the Allez le Losc website and the Bistrot du Losc podcast. Will there be many? We’ll see when Lens scores a goal…”

For this Lille supporter, the risks of overflowing in the stands are limited. “We are not savages, he wishes to recall. Then there will be a responsibility of the opposing supporters who will have to be discreet, because it is true that in this kind of tense meeting, the slightest spark can ignite the powder.

On the Lensois side as on the Lille side, the prefectural decree is not viewed favorably. “It’s a decision that goes against common sense, points out François Stock, who in no way denies the previous slippages in the stands. But like many, he asks that the visitor parking lot be reopened to welcome opposing supporters in complete safety.

Moreover, to show their good will, the ultras of the Red Tigers Lens have proposed a security device to the prefect, to ensure the smooth running of the evening.

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