Home » today » Business » Deputy Vega accuses Minister Pilar Garrido and President Carlos Alvarado of breaking the PAC line with the Public Employment Law • Semanario Universidad

Deputy Vega accuses Minister Pilar Garrido and President Carlos Alvarado of breaking the PAC line with the Public Employment Law • Semanario Universidad

“I am very ashamed that it is the government itself that is insisting on putting this here; all force, “said the official deputy Paola Vega.

The deputy Paola Vega on Monday accused the Minister of Planning, Pilar Garrido, and the President of the Republic Carlos Alvarado, of separating from the historical line of the Citizen Action Party on higher public education; and of breaking promises that Alvarado gave during his presidential campaign.

The intervention of the ruling party occurred during the discussion of a group of motions to exclude public universities from the action of the draft Public Employment Framework Law (21,336). These proposals were rejected.

“The correct thesis should have been to exclude universities from this project, for various reasons. It is not possible, in any way, to homologate the higher academic regime with the common and current public administration. Second, because the Minister of Planning, Pilar Garrido, at this point has not given this parliament the numbers that justify public universities. It has been asked publicly. You have been asked what the great and fabulous savings of the public universities will be and you have not given. It has no data. He has not wanted to sustain this theme; Therefore, it seems more like an ideological and obsessive issue for several people, among whom, unfortunately, I include Minister Garrido who, on this issue, completely separates herself from the traditional line of Citizen Action, of the defense of higher education. university. It does not represent what this party has promised people, historically, on higher education. I want to make it clear. I am very ashamed that it is the government itself that is insisting on putting this here; all force, with a fiscal vision, “Vega said.

“Also, as I was coordinator of Carlos Alvarado’s Government Plan, I remember accompanying him in campaign debates, as a pre-candidate and candidate, and always insisting, in each debate, that the Public Employment discussion would not be a prosecutor, that it would be a discussion from a human approach, on improving the quality of employment and not taxation. The discussion that we are giving here is strictly fiscal. Here the nuances are not important, if adding or removing something can generate a distortion in the social rule of law, as we know it. Nothing matters. They want to give a message that everyone has to get into a basket, with a straitjacket, regardless of the consequences it may have, “Vega said in plenary.

“The proposal that goes around and that, shamefully has defended the President of the Republic, motion 80, is a violation, now, absolute and complete that completely curtails the autonomy of the university, the Fund and the Judicial Power, and many others aspects that are essential to have a balance… ”finished Vega in this same intervention, in which the microphone was turned off due to the weather.

Motion 80, presented by the liberationist Yorleny León, and as UNIVERSITY already explained, is a plan to eliminate autonomies granted to public universities and municipalities, but it will also affect the writing of other articles.

This afternoon, Deputy Paola Vega also voted in favor of the only motion that the plenary has approved so far. It is a motion agreed between fractions for state universities to jointly announce their needs for human talent (it was presented by the head of the PAC, Enrique Sánchez).

“This is one of the motions that serves to order the project. The initial drafting of the project, which Mideplan sent, was so disastrous that there were loose ends and unenforceable issues when it came to having the text become law. It does not add up to guaranteeing university autonomy, I do want to make that clear, because I imagine that many people will want to go out and say that with motions that guarantee order but coincidentally say ‘university’ autonomy has already been guaranteed and, certainly, not. The issue of university autonomy is guaranteed in motion 90 approved by the Commission and here we want to reverse it ”, assured Vega.

The PAC deputy gave statements to the UNIVERSITY in which she denounced the intentions of the Public Employment plan to “get into teaching and university training issues.”

The discussion of the reiteration motions will continue throughout this week, before the Easter recess.

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