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Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna inaugurates the photographic exhibition “Sentinels of the Nation” – Talla Politica

Mexico City, October 9, 2024

The closeness and empathy of the Armed Forces with the citizens and with Mexico is something that we must all value and treasure, highlights the president of the Chamber of Deputies

Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, president of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies, inaugurated the photographic exhibition “Sentinels of the nation. The path of the evolution and development of the Armed Forces towards the future of a modern Mexico”, which is presented this week in the main lobby of the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro.

In this act, the deputy president highlighted that “the people of Mexico recognize and thank the Armed Forces for the work they permanently carry out in support of security, in support of natural disasters, but their closeness and empathy with the citizens and with “Mexico is something that each and every citizen must value and treasure.”

He pointed out that in the House of the People it is fair to recognize them, “send the message that the exercise and function carried out by the Armed Forces are a priority, they are fundamental for the Mexican State.”

He commented that in the Chamber of Deputies it is also understood that the Army is the people in uniform, and highlighted the tasks it has carried out in the construction of works of the greatest importance for the country, in the defense of people, in the fight against crime and helping those who need it most when there are natural disasters.

This photographic exhibition gives an account of the work and tasks of those men and women who, with commitment, effort, sacrifice and discipline, make up the Armed Forces of our country, he concluded.

For his part, the Diplomated Brigadier General of the General Staff, Andrés Valencia Valencia, commander of the First Military Zone, indicated that the objective of this exhibition is to publicize the evolution of the Secretariat of National Defense, the Army, the Force Air Force and the National Guard, to contribute to the development of the Mexican State, guaranteeing the peace, well-being and security of the nation.

He expressed that the historical moment that Mexico is experiencing makes it clear that together, government and society, strengthen national unity. He stressed that the Army, the Air Force and the National Guard have an extensive tradition of honor, loyalty and love for the country.

He indicated that the trust that the people have placed in their Armed Forces generates an “honorable commitment” to efficiently fulfill the missions, contemplated in its Organic Law, in support of the population, contributing to the development and well-being of Mexico and acting with strict adherence to individual and collective human rights.

Representative Margarita Ester Zavala Gómez del Campo (PAN) was present at the ribbon cutting, as well as Morena deputies Humberto Coss and León Zúñiga and Luis Arturo Oliver Cen.

Subsequently, the war band performed the Three Diana Military Touch and the National Anthem was sung, performed by the music band and choir of the Army, Air Force and National Guard.

The exhibition consists of four themes: Secretariat of National Defense, Mexican Army, Air Force and National Guard, to publicize the evolution and development of the historical process that the Armed Forces have carried out, and how its personnel have maintained their commitment and loyalty to the people of Mexico and the legally constituted institutions.

Mexico City, October 9, 2024


President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies

Opening message of the photographic exhibition “Sentinels of the Nation: The path of the evolution and development of the Armed Forces towards the future of a modern Mexico.”

Brigadier General Graduate of the General Staff, Andrés Valencia Valencia, you are welcome to this House of the People, it is your home, and the Armed Forces are always welcome here. Please convey our greetings and our respect to the Secretary General.

Today, fellow deputies, deputies who join us, I am very happy that this is the first official act as president of the Chamber: the inauguration of the “Sentinels of the Nation” exhibition.

The people of Mexico recognize and thank the Armed Forces for the work they permanently carry out in support of security, in support of natural disasters. But his closeness and empathy with the citizens and with Mexico is something that all citizens must value and treasure.

President López Obrador said it: “the Army is the people in uniform.” This is how we understand it, this is how we see it and here, in the House of the People, it is fair to recognize it, to send the message that the exercise and function carried out by the Armed Forces are a priority, they are fundamental for the Mexican State.

They have carried out important tasks within the construction of works of the greatest importance for our country, in the defense of people, in the fight, of course, against crime, in helping those who need it most when tragic moments, Natural disasters have, unfortunately, occurred in various latitudes of the national territory.

Therefore, today this photographic exhibition will give us an account of moments, of moments reflected in the plates that we are going to reveal in a moment, of what is the work, what is the task of those men and women who, with commitment, effort, sacrifice , discipline make up the Armed Forces of our country.

Congratulations. Welcome. And we inaugurate this photographic exhibition “Sentinels of the Nation”.

Thank you, general.

Thank you, deputies.

Text, Photo and Video: Chamber of Deputies

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