Home » today » News » Deputy Pérez linked to alleged influence peddling in the Agreements Case – La Discusión

Deputy Pérez linked to alleged influence peddling in the Agreements Case – La Discusión

In a 60-page report presented by the Economic Crimes Brigade of the Investigative Police (PDI) to the Prosecutor’s Office, the possible participation of deputy Catalina Pérez, suspended in the DR, in a case of influence peddling is mentioned for the first time. related to the Covenants Case.

This report, which is crucial for the ongoing investigation, suggests links between the parliamentarian and former seremi Carlos Contreras Gutiérrez, as well as with Daniel Andrade Schwarze, through their previous romantic relationship.

The report also notes that Contreras invited foundations to participate in agreements, despite warnings about the Fundación Democracia Viva’s lack of experience in developing programs for precarious settlements.

“According to the procedures carried out during the course of this investigation, there would be antecedents to configure the crime of influence peddling between the former seremi Carlos Contreras Gutiérrez and Daniel Andrade Schwarze, and possibly the deputy Catalina Pérez, due to their romantic relationship between this and Andrade Schwarze”, says the text.

Likewise, it indicates that “it was Contreras who invited the Democracia Viva, TomArte, ProCultura and Fibra foundations to participate, through agreements, despite the fact that Seremía personnel made him aware of the lack of experience of the Democracia Viva foundation to develop the precarious settlements program.”

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