Home » today » World » Deputy Minister scares media with lawsuits if they write about the suspended money – 2024-10-02 07:51:34

Deputy Minister scares media with lawsuits if they write about the suspended money – 2024-10-02 07:51:34

/ world today news/ Dragomir Stoynev to GERB: Will you cover the suspended money from Europe with a new loan? You have already downloaded 17 billion!

It’s time for early elections!

Here is the letter that did not exist and was not true. GERD try to shift the blame onto someone else. What it says there:

The EC does not trust the Certification Authority. The EC does not recognize the inspections carried out by the Certification Authority.

It is clear from the letter that the systems in the “Agriculture” fund are not working. They do not believe the documents presented because there are inconsistencies.

The letter declares that during the audit mission of the DG “Agriculture” of the EC in January of this year, attention was drawn to deficiencies in the work of the Bulgarian authorities. Even then, we were warned about the consequences. But for 4 months no adequate measures have been taken.

In Appendix 4 of this letter, the following assessment is given – the EC does not fully accept the conclusions of the Certification Authority’s report.

DF “Agriculture” has not correctly fulfilled the requirements of the European legislation and for this reason DG “Agriculture” does not recognize the disbursed funds in 2015. This means that for now these funds remain at the expense of the state budget.

Why is this letter hidden? Is it forbidden to reflect the opinion of the opposition?

Why is this letter hidden? Why does a deputy minister scare the Bulgarian media with lawsuits if they write about this topic? Or it is already forbidden to reflect the opinion of the opposition! Why is the government afraid of free speech?

The letter from Europe literally tells you that the EC cannot get sufficient assurance that the expenditure is made according to EU rules. It is not just a bureaucratic document, but an official sign from Europe. Your most effective, your most successful advertising trick has collapsed – that the EC supports GERB in the absorption of European funds!

But how to support you – see the renovation of the NDK. BGN 13 million for what? The plates on the ground have been the same since 1982. You gave BGN 13 million for bushes and trees. Where did you get them? From Latin America or Asia? Let the media check. Moreover, there are additional annexes and costs for this project.

The Northern Tangent – you were in such a rush to cut the tape that you left people without access to their homes! Every night we witness protests.

Maritza highway – after you cut the lane, it collapsed and you closed it!

I have one big concern. Let’s just hope that next year the styrofoam you stuck on people’s apartments doesn’t start to fall, so that we’ll be taking out a loan for the same job again!

You are putting the state at enormous risk. It’s time to think about the Bulgarian people, not about the government

You advise us to walk around the country to see the reality. We are part of reality and you should not meet people only when ribbons are to be cut.

But that is not important. The main, painful thing is what is happening to our country – ours, yours, to all Bulgarians. It is time to see and understand that you are putting the country in front of huge risks. It is time to forget your party egoism and think not about power, but about the Bulgarian people. And if you can’t, it’s time to leave. Because the domino effect will follow in other spheres as well. Either way, you’re going to crash, why should you drag the state down with you?

The question now is not “Where is the money?”. The public is aware of where they are. Unfortunately, the scary question now is “What money will we use to cover the unexpected?” With new loans, with a new debt over the already accumulated 17 billion? By tightening the tax noose and the administrative racket over business? All of this will drag down the economy, destroy the prospects for our country, and oblige generations of Bulgarians.

You accuse us that our attack is pre-election. You are wrong, BSP is not GERB. It does not live in the short horizon from election to election, it does not feed on mandates. We raise the topic because it is important for the country, for the Bulgarians. Because the most responsible solution and reaction must be found. And for the elections – the one who doesn’t lie will have support in the next ones.

Your incompetence will cost the Bulgarian people too much.

Your stability, I mean the stability of the government, may not turn out to be instability and additional hardships for generations of Bulgarians after you.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for early elections!

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