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Deputy Minister Leo “explains” the tax reform

He will be the deputy minister of Economy and Finance Maurizio Leo to illustrate (linked from Roma) the state of the art of tax reformthe epochal law approved last year by the government and awaited for over 50 years to reorganize and simplify the Italian tax system, on the occasion of the conference “The legislative decrees of the tax reform and the new codes” organized by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (ODCEC) of Salerno with the patronage of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (CNDCEC) and the National Accountants Foundation (FNC) – Training in collaboration with the 24 Ore Group – Media Partner.

The event, scheduled for Wednesday 24 April from 3pm at the Salone del Genovesi of the Salerno Chamber of Commerce in via Roma, will feature: Elbano de Nuccio Presidente CNDCEC, Annalisa French FNC President – ​​Training, Rosa D’Angiolella Managing Director of the CNDCEC Tax Process Commission, Salvatore Regalbuto Treasurer CNDCEC, Pasquale Saggese Coordinator of research activities of the CNDCEC Foundation, Salvatore Giordano Chartered Accountant in Salerno. The opening of the works will be entrusted to the institutional greetings of the President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Salerno Agostino Soave and the President of the Salerno Chamber of Commerce Andrea Prete. ODCEC Salerno councilor delegated to the FPC Giuseppe ArleoODCEC Salerno Councilor delegated to the event Gerardina Castronuovo, Donatella Raeli.

With law 111/2023 the Government was given the mandate to reform the tax system. This is the largest reform in recent years which involves a reorganization of all taxes, excises, assessment and collection procedures, litigation and the sanctioning system. During the conference the illustrious speakers will analyze the changes and innovations introduced with in-depth analysis and comparisons in light of the current legislative and jurisprudential context of the reform. In particular, we will talk about the new organization of tax litigation, the biennial composition with creditors, preventive cross-examination and the reform of the tax penalty system.

«Our territorial Order continues to follow the work of systematizing the tax legislation with great attention and direct participation – underlines the President of ODCEC Salerno Agostino Soave – beyond some shortcomings compared to initial expectations, such as the reduction of the tax burden, for which at the moment there are no adequate financial coverage, we appreciate the goodness of the reform to organically redesign our tax system and, above all, the involvement of our Category at ministerial technical tables where the rules are written. The hope is that such collaboration, necessary and useful for the country, at the end of the legislative process can be mutualized with the Revenue Agency with which we have long been asking for greater dialogue for the resolution of the problems of citizens and businesses, also in light of the ongoing reform».

#Deputy #Minister #Leo #explains #tax #reform
– 2024-04-22 23:02:28

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