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Deputy Jimena Latorre has breast cancer and helps raise awareness

The deputy from Mendoza Together the Change, Jimena Latorrediscovered less than two months ago in a control that she has breast cancer and decided to make her illness public to collaborate with others who are going through the same situation.

Thus, she published a photo with her brother on her social networks, both with shaved heads, after she began to lose her hair due to the chemotherapy treatment she had to undergo. “When you have the best brother in the world,” she put herself in the picture.

In an interview, the 35-year-old legislator recounted her experience. “When I found out about the disease, at first I felt too much uncertainty, anxiety about how to deal with it. The company of affections, loved ones, containment is very important.

Later you realize that it is one more stage, an apprenticeship where you recognize yourself every day. You meet again in different situations, there are days when you are better, other days worse, you learn to let yourself be helped, ”she indicated.

The diagnosis came after annual gynecological check-ups and when a lump was felt in one breast, she decided to advance the ultrasound. For this reason, she decided to make it public to raise public awareness about the disease and the need to undergo the corresponding check-ups, and she is working on an application so that new patients can learn about the experience of patients who have already recovered.

About the photo of the post, Latorre explained: “I was a little scared at that moment. It is like the visible symptom of the disease. After ten minutes of crying, I was very moved to see my brother peeling me and then peeling him. I’ve always invested a lot in my hair, but I didn’t think it was that terrible. This is the most extreme image, but I am just another woman with breast cancer.”

Jimena He also indicated that he will continue to work with his team to keep his head busy. “Unfortunately, the Congress is inactive. I have the unconditional support of my entire team. The idea is to work, it does me good,” she closed.

The deputy from San Rafael plans to work on an APP that allows cross-checking the testimonies of people who recently learned of their diagnosis with the stories of recovered patients.

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