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Deputy Head of the Gold Division: “Whoever has money can buy”

Ehab Wasef, deputy head of the gold division of the Chamber of Commerce, said that globally, there are calls for buying as a safe haven for investment, because there is fluctuation in stocks, oil and currency prices, and there are changes that occur, and investors go to the safe haven, which is gold, then returns and puts in currencies and stocks or in petroleum.

On his expectations, Wasef said, during the “Al-Masry Efendi” program on the Cairo and People Channel, that there is nothing to say that the direction of gold will go down, because the Corona crisis has not been resolved, but that some are awaiting a second wave.

And he added, I always say, “All times are appropriate to buy gold … If with you money, increase it in the gold .. From the year of 81 … there is no year of gold. The increase is always 22% from year to year, and from January 1, the increase in gold reaches 27%.

Regarding the movement of buying and selling, workshops and employment, Wasef said, there is no investment awareness among the Egyptian citizen, but I think that people have started during the past weeks, buying gold, but it is not equal to the same period last year, and we have in every gold sector in Egypt about 300 thousand individual workers In the field of gold.

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