“Sick fantasies, Bolshevism, abuse of power for personal purposes, lack of elementary human ethics. Nothing of what I heard in the recordings is normal. And not a small part of what was told in it is a lie.” This is what Denitsa Sacheva, deputy of the PG of GERB, wrote on her profile on the social network Facebook.
We publish Sacheva’s comment without abbreviations and editorial intervention:
“Sick fantasies, Bolshevism, abuse of power for personal purposes, lack of elementary human ethics. Nothing of what I heard in the recordings is normal. And not a small part of what was told in it is a lie.
What Kiril and Asen said is scandalous and insulting to:
1. The women. Presented as tearful and indecisive. For a party that never nominates women to key positions, this is probably a normal stereotype. But for GERD women – they didn’t guess.
2. Democratic Bulgaria. Presented as intellectual marginals, to whom there was no point in joining the PP, because when they looked at the hall, they saw little of themselves, and the leftists more. That’s why they decided to wink at voters with leftist beliefs.
3. Rumen Radev. Presented as someone who makes a fuss about the elections. And not only. The whole machine worked for them. What are Cyril and Asen actually talking about?
4. The state administration and the people working in the regional structures throughout the country. Thousands of people had to be made redundant. Even illegally. Toying with the left has apparently gone all the way to Bolshevism. No people – no problem. By the way, if the casting of the new heads of agencies will be like that of those who left ITN – come on, there’s no need!
5. Ministry of the Interior. Presented as a tool for making choices. We should hold local elections with our Ministry of the Interior, says Asen Vassilev.
6. Embassies. Whoever they are. Presented as behind-the-scenes players and determining the heads of services in our country.
7. European leaders. Presented as people who are willing to break the rules. Not because of anything. Because of Kiril and Asen. Even Stephen King couldn’t come up with that.
8. The National Council of Continuing the Change. Placed in the role of spectators and listeners of an extremely untalented amateur theater in which dreams feed illusions and instead of smelling of a bright future, it smells of a sour one.
9. Voters of PP. Because they don’t figure in this conversation at all. Neither what they want nor what they are fighting for. They are just the people who have provided ground for shashmi. Nothing more. Both sad and shameful, but a fact.
There is no more room for tolerance and compromise.
Yes, Bulgaria is at a crossroads. Torn by hybrid attacks and sinister attempts to change our geopolitical choices.
Yes, there is a fragile understanding of judicial reform and changes to the Constitution.
Yes, we are on the verge of falling out of the future of Europe and the world.
Yes, the visionary solution today is to have a regular government. But, a stable regular government. A stable regular government requires a clear accounting of the people’s vote – the first and second political forces must share the responsibility of governing.
Political leaders have no place in a future cabinet.
Longevity in politics and in history is ensured by bold decisions.
“Ala-balata is the shortest path to contempt.”
2023-05-27 12:31:07
#Denitsa #Sacheva #Kiril #Asen #scandalous #insulting