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Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI: Strengthening Pancasila Needs Creativity and Innovation

Tribunnews.com Reporter, Chaerul Umam

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Ahmad Muzani attended the socialization of the four pillars at AQL Islamic School Jongol, West Java, Thursday (11/10/2021).

In this activity, Ustaz Bachtiar Nasir was also present as the founder and leader of AQL Islamic School and also a member of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra Mulyadi Faction.

In his speech, Muzani conveyed the importance of practicing Pancasila as the basis of nationhood and state in daily life.

Pancasila belongs to the Indonesian people, belongs to all Indonesian people. It does not belong to the rulers, nor does it belong to any particular group.

The question, said Muzani, is how do we practice Pancasila in daily life.

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If there is a difference in practice Pancasila, not be the cause of sharp differences that lead to division.

However, it is more of a different point of view. This difference actually enriches the value Pancasila and can be used as energy to strengthen national unity.

“Pancasila belongs to all of us, belongs to the Indonesian people. Pancasila does not belong to the ruler, nor belongs to any particular group. Every Indonesian basically accepts Pancasila. In fact we are Pancasilais. The difference is more in how to practice Pancasila it is a natural thing in interpreting an ideology. As well as the interpretation of religious teachings that are often different. However, is that why we are not united?,” said Muzani, in his statement, Friday (11/12/2021).

“There are those who want the spirit and moral values ​​of religion to be used as values ​​for practicing state life. But there are also those who want the moral values ​​of religion to be formalized in the state constitution. Pancasila. It is the duty of all of us, including state administrators, so that these differences are returned to the ideals of the nation’s founders,” he added.

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