Home » News » Deputy Chairperson of DKI Jakarta DPRD Responds to Starbucks Controversy: Mocks Netizens in Instagram Comments

Deputy Chairperson of DKI Jakarta DPRD Responds to Starbucks Controversy: Mocks Netizens in Instagram Comments

JawaPos.com – The Deputy Chairperson of DKI Jakarta DPRD, Zita Anjani, hit back at netizens who attacked her Instagram comments column. This is related to uploading a Starbucks cup that blocked the Kaaba when he performed Umrah some time ago.

It is known that tonight, the comments column in his upload explaining what he did by uploading a Starbucks cup blocking the Kaaba was filled with 31,413 comments.

Responding to comments, most of them criticizing her actions, Zita finally opened her voice and mocked netizens with emoticons.

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Three young politicians were officially inducted by PAN DPP Chairperson Zita Anjani. The three officers include Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, Idris Ahmad and Jovin Kurniawan. (DERY RIWDANSAH/ JAWAPOS.COM)

“Isn’t Instagram owned by Jews?” he said with a flat face emoticon and closed his mouth.

Before that, the act of the Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Zita Anjani, went viral on social media by uploading the moment she got a Starbucks coffee drink while she was in Mecca. This angered netizens because coffee products were one of those that were targeted because they supported Israel.

Zita posted a Starbucks coffee with Mecca background to her personal Instagram, causing thousands of comments compared to likes. It can be seen that Zita had uploaded the photo four days ago.

“We’re having dinner, someone brought us coffee, what do you think guys? ” wrote the caption of Zita, announced on Wednesday (24/4).

2024-04-25 13:54:34

#Zita #Anjani #hits #Netizens #attacked #account #Starbucks #display #Makah #Instagram #Jews #Jawa #Pos

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