Home » today » Business » Deputy Carlos Ramírez submits project to give incentives to blood donors

Deputy Carlos Ramírez submits project to give incentives to blood donors

EL NUEVO DIARIO, SANTO DOMINGO.- The deputy of Azua, Carlos Alberto Ramírez, for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), submitted a bill that would create the Dominican Red Cross Blood Donor Bank and establish that the State an item in the Budget to be distributed in all the cooperatives of the country so that the members receive an incentive that motivates them to donate blood and reduce the deficit in the country, which is around 260 thousand liters per year.

In a document, the legislator indicated that this budget allocation would be delivered to the Institute for Cooperative Development and Credit (Idecoop), and this entity would be in charge of distributing it to the cooperatives that have more members so that they receive an incentive to donate blood, and this would be in the Bank of the Dominican Red Cross.

He explained that the initiative seeks to reduce the deficit in voluntary blood donation, a situation that contrasts with other countries that have a constant educational policy for the population and incentives through state benefits.

The legislator’s piece considers that it is important to stimulate the country’s population to increase the rate of donors and at the same time guarantee the quality of the blood.

Ramírez, also a doctor, said that the incentive that the State can grant to donors so that they contribute such a precious human fluid, does not contradict the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), on the non-payment of money to the donor, which it is a way to avoid trade and the violation of medical ethics.

He explained that the WHO established that, to reach a level of blood supply, countries must have 5% of the population as voluntary donors, which is necessary if you want to promote awareness in society.

Remember that, in some private centers, buying 500 CC of blood can cost up to RD$7,500 and the person must also bring a donor, in other centers between RD$6,000 and RD$5,000, while in the Cedimat Blood Bank, the cost a pint of whole blood costs RD$2,500 and if it is a globular package RD$4,500.-

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