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Deputies managed to overturn the decree that granted reserved funds to the SIDE | The opposition against Milei’s DNU

Romo’s post against Macri

Agustín Romo, a Buenos Aires deputy from La Libertad Avanza and one of those who lead the virtual attacks characteristic of the far right, targeted Macri after the vote of the DNU to reject the funds reserved for the Side.

After the rejection in the House of Representatives, what happens with the millions that the SIDE has already spent?

By Natalia Lopez Gomez

The recent partial repeal of Decree of Necessity and Urgency 656/2024, which assigned 100 billion pesos to the Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE), generated an important discussion about the destination of the funds already executed. Although the vote in the Senate that could confirm the nullity of the DNU is still awaited, serious doubts arise about the legality and transparency in the management of these resources. Now, what happens to the funds already used? “Citizens have the right to know what they did with that money,” constitutional lawyer Andrés Gil Domínguez assures Página|12.

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“Milei wants to replace the democratic pact with one of impunity and repression”

National deputy of Unión por la Patria (UxP) Leopoldo Moreau criticized the Executive’s DNU to provide reserved funds to the SIDE, which was unanimously rejected this Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies.

Speaking to 750, Moreau warned that “there is a huge concern in the Argentine political system about the authoritarian drift” in Javier Milei’s measures.

“This issue cannot be treated separately from other issues that converge in that the Government wants to impose a state of exception and that this becomes a repressive state, at the same time that the quality of life of the people is seriously deteriorating,” said the legislator, regarding the DNU.

“The government is making progress in replacing the democratic pact that was established in 1983 with a pact of impunity and repression,” he stressed.

Finally, the UxP deputy referred to the reaction of former President Mauricio Macri to the rejection of the decree.

“He has experience in this matter and he is very clear that, probably, part of these resources were going to be used to bring the matter to a close rather than having to surround himself with an electoral agreement with the Government. I think that has had a lot of influence,” he concluded.

Arrieta filed a complaint against his colleagues in the block

The lawyer for deputy Lourdes Arrieta warned that this Wednesday she was “squeezed between several men” from La Libertad Avanza, her party, inside Congress. Yamil Castro Bianco said that at this moment the legislator is presenting the complaint at the Women’s Police Station and that she is expected to testify for at least two hours. He did not identify who the accused were.

Bonacci recounted the crisis within the libertarian party

Rocío Bonacci said that Lourdes Arrieta “was attacked” by the libertarian deputy Nicolás Mayoraz for “playing against the Government” after her complaint about the visit to genocidaires in Ezeiza: “It is part of the poor management of the bloc.”

“The La Libertad Avanza bloc is not doing well,” he said.

Screams, threats and scuffles at LLA block meeting

After the session in which DNU 656/24 was rejected, with which Javier Milei granted 100,000 million pesos in reserved expenses to the SIDE, the La Libertad Avanza bloc held a meeting that ended with shouts, threats and scuffles.

According to reports, the Speaker of the House, Martín Menem, and the deputy Nicolás Mayoraz were involved in a shouting match with Lourdes Arrieta, who was accused of being, along with Rocío Bonacci, the only two legislators of the party to enable the quorum on Wednesday.

According to these news reports, after the fight, the legislator is considering filing a complaint for gender violence against Mayoraz.

In recent days, Arrieta had already mentioned having received threats and harassment from her colleagues for the complaint she filed in the federal court in Lomas de Zamora to investigate the visit by genocide perpetrators to the Ezeiza prison, in which she herself participated.

Bullrich: “The rejection of the DNU is celebrated by criminals”

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich once again made public her anger at Mauricio Macri’s maneuver in Congress through a new tweet in which she said that those who celebrate the rejection of the SIDE’s DNU are “criminals.”

“The importance of this decree also lies in the fact that it provides essential funds to strengthen the National Directorate of Criminal Intelligence and thus guarantee greater security for Argentines. The rejection of the DNU is celebrated by criminals,” he posted on his social networks.

Bullrich expressed her anger with the PRO deputies who rejected the SIDE’s DNU

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich expressed her anger at PRO legislators who, by order of Mauricio Macri, voted in favor of rejecting DNU 656/24, with which Javier Milei granted 100 billion pesos in reserved expenses to the SIDE.

“Narco threats, narcoterrorism in Rosario, threats to the President of the Nation, a country that suffered two attacks… and a dismantled SIDE,” Bullrich posted on her X account.

“The DNU of funds for the SIDE is to take care of the Argentines. The deputies who voted with Kirchnerism to reject it, chose to side with the mafias, drug traffickers and terrorism. Now they must take responsibility!” he concluded.

The PRO distanced itself from Milei: “This is not the change”

In a new move to distance himself from Javier Milei, former President Mauricio Macri ordered on Wednesday the PRO deputies who respond to his leadership to enable a quorum in the lower house to discuss DNU 656/24, with which Javier Milei granted 100 billion pesos in reserved expenses to the SIDE, which was ultimately rejected.

He then published a harsh statement through the PRO account, titled “This is not change.”

“Since the beginning of this administration, we have supported the government in all the measures that supported change in Argentina (the Law of Bases, the expansion of genetic data for security, and more). But this DNU of $100 billion for intelligence, in a context in which ‘there is no money’, and without clarifying the use of the funds, is not the change,” the statement warned.

“Economic progress requires strong and transparent institutions, and an austere government. In the PRO, these values ​​are non-negotiable,” he concluded.

According to the newspaper La Nación, the maneuver, which caused great unrest among the deputies who answer to Patricia Bullrich, was decided at a summit of the party’s executive committee, which includes Macri, governors, mayors and legislative representatives.

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