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Deputies begin discussion of secondary laws of judicial reform

Mexico City, The Chamber of Deputies began the discussion in plenary session of the secondary laws of the constitutional reform of the Judiciary, which were approved on Sunday in committees in the legislative body.

With the vote of the majority of Morena and its allies, three suspensive motions from the PAN, MC and PRI were rejected, with which they asked to postpone the debate until “fixing” what they described as multiple inconsistencies and contradictions in the opinions.

The Morenoist Hugo Eric Flores Cervantes was in charge of presenting the opinions on the modifications to the General Law of the System of Means of Challenge, as well as the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures.

These are the provisions that will regulate the election of judges, magistrates and ministers, and which had no changes in commissions in San Lázaro with respect to the minutes sent last week by the Senate. They were discussed in plenary session amid a defense of Morena and its allies, and constant claims from the opposition.

Supported by blue and white legislators, PAN member Paulina Rubio asked to read the definition of raffle according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. And with signs saying “Justice is not raffled,” he urged Morenistas to know what humanism is, which “has nothing to do with publicly denigrating people in a catafixia like Chabelo’s raffle.”

The Morena deputy, Mariana Benítez Tiburcio, considered that the laws will provide certainty in the voting process for ministers, judges and magistrates that will take place in 2025, while questioning that the trials are made by people who historically had remained outside the public scrutiny.

At the same time, he described the requests for changes to the minutes as irresponsible, since “what they intend is to cause the Senate to not have the necessary bases to issue the call” and added: “let’s not fall into false speeches, it is very easy rejecting the reforms with catastrophic speeches, all this with a comfortable position of false champions of justice like the one that some of you have assumed, who insist on disqualifying without assuming any political cost or responsibility.”

The debate began with a funeral wreath placed by PRI deputies on one side of the tribune. First it was the PAN member Carmen Rocío González who maintained that “justice is now a tombola” and defined as “the most despicable, reckless and criminal circus ever seen in Mexico”, the process carried out in the Senate over the weekend regarding the draw of the first judge positions that will be put to the vote next year.

Afterwards, the coordinator of the PRI deputies, Ruben Moreira, asserted that the rulings have serious deficiencies, and it is not a reform to the matter of justice, but “revenge.” He asked the board of directors to reveal how many suspensions against the reform have been issued; He warned that there was no legislation regarding votes from abroad, nor whether there will be representatives of the candidates for judges.

He assured that the laws to be reformed are riddled with grammatical and syntax errors, and contradict the labor law approved a few years ago, which is why he asked to postpone the discussion to fix the inconsistencies.

While Gildardo Pérez Gabino, from Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), said that the Chamber is incurring in contempt of the numerous suspensions issued by judges, among them, the provisional suspension granted in response to the appeal presented by his party.

After being rejected, Federico Döring, of the PAN, asked to notify the courts that have issued suspensions and “that they are running over each other”, that the PAN and the PRI requested suspensive motions to postpone the discussion, but they were discarded.

In this regard, PT member Ricardo Mejía Berdeja called the request “frivolous requests” and told the PRI and PAN members that “they want to be on good terms with the judges, to send them those documents; “We are not a courier company,”

During the presentation of the arguments of the six groups, the differences between MC and the PRI were evident.

The Emecista Juan Ignacio Zavala Gutiérrez pointed out that on Saturday it was observed on television how decades-long races were ending in a session in the Senate, with the attendance of members of the PRI to guarantee a quorum.

Moments later, Emilio Suárez Licona, of the PRI, along with the coordinator of his bench and various legislators, all with a black bow, said that the majority bloc has time to correct. In passing, he asked MC to better follow in the footsteps of Senator Daniel Barreda, “who was awarded with the presidency of a commission.” PRI member Cesáreo Alejandro Domínguez ended his party’s intervention with the song Tómbola, which he played on his cell phone.

Immediately, the president of the board of directors, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, asked them to remove the funeral wreath. Rubén Moreira announced that they would move her to her seats, and in response to the claims of Morenistas and their allies, he responded: “read the ruling so they can see what they are going to vote for, read it, I know it is difficult but try it.” .

Afterwards, petista Mary Carmen Bernal presented the positioning of her bench with tarps with the phrase “Popular will to the Judiciary.” Raúl Bolaños Cacho, of the Green Party, said he was concerned that the debate on an issue so relevant to the country is not taken seriously. “Beyond placing a crown that may look attractive in photographs, or hanging banners,” in reference to those put up by the PT, he urged to raise the debate.

The discussion in plenary is expected to last for several hours for its general approval, as well as the processing of dozens of reservations that the opposition parties plan to present.

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