Home » today » World » Deputies beat the jester at the referendum! – 2024-08-25 15:06:40

Deputies beat the jester at the referendum! – 2024-08-25 15:06:40

The showman Slavi Trifonov hangs in front of the parliament for another day to ask the deputies to submit the questions from the referendum for consideration. However, it turns out that his demands are doomed to failure because they will not be supported by the people’s representatives. So far, the BSP and the Patriots have said they will not support them.

The co-chairman of the United Patriots and Minister of Defense in the “Borisov 3” cabinet Krasimir Karakachanov revealed what exactly will happen.

– Mr. Karakachanov, in front of the parliament for several days there is a gathering of dissatisfied citizens that the questions from the referendum have not been discussed in the National Assembly. Slavi Trifonov and people from his team said that they do not understand how there can be a deputy prime minister for demography, referring to Valeri Simeonov. It was like having a deputy prime minister for the wind that blows. How will you answer them?

– Mr. Trifonov understands these things with the winds. That’s his profession, isn’t it? Making jokes, teasing, making interesting shows. What is the problem?

– For several days, he wants the questions from the referendum to be considered in the parliament. He sits on a chair in front of the National Assembly and comments…

– Look, things are clear. The referendum is over. If anyone hasn’t figured this out yet, let them. The referendum is over, so by law the questions that were asked are not binding. The questions enter the parliament and the deputies decide what happens to them. Everything else is a PR stunt by him. Nothing more. I don’t know why anyone thinks that once they understand show business, they also understand electoral legislation. If he knows a lot about elections, let him get into an argument and have a debate. But with such trickery and teasing, during a show… Imposing political decisions… Honestly, it’s not serious, it’s not reasonable in a country that has to solve its problems in a professional and pragmatic way.

– GERB embraced the idea of ​​the referendum questions and announced that they would introduce them. You, of the United Patriots, are against it. There will be a clash at the very beginning of the reign…

– Yes, we, United Patriots, are categorically against the topic of majority elections. On the issue of mandatory voting – we are “for”. On the topic of subsidies, I am the person who has been calling for years to cut them in half and to freeze MP salaries. The Patriots have a clear position on every issue of the referendum. But let’s assume a majority system, which will result in 70-80 bought deputies out of 240. …I mean people will come in and buy their votes. Representatives of shady businesses, gangs or criminal structures in the province… Please, but I do not agree.

– During the negotiations with GERB on the coalition agreement, did you discuss the issue of majority election?

– That was one of the first things. Even before, let’s deepen the conversations by sectors. GERB quite correctly said that they intend to support a bill for clean majoritarian elections. We, the Patriots, quite correctly told them that we would not support such a thing. On this issue, the two formations are of totally opposite opinion. We agreed that on this issue in the parliament, each formation will vote as it sees fit. As he sees things. Vote according to conscience. And precisely for this reason, the question of the majority election is not included in the general program that we signed. This question is not there. On all other issues that are part of the management program, we will seek consensus, common ground and be partners.

– This means the first clash in the coalition. Giving the opposition an excellent opportunity to criticize you?

– Look, they would have used it if we had written it into the program. We’re not either. We have clearly set our sights and I don’t see what the opposition will use so much. And if we talk about the opposition and mean BSP and DPS… They just repeat some convenient theses and nothing more. The DPS talks about the ultra-nationalists, while the BSP repeats that we have betrayed our voters with our governance program. Nothing new, because this is complete nonsense. Already at the opening of the new parliament, I said that it is time for all parties to select 10 main priorities and to follow them strictly. It’s about time. The constant spitting… That’s what I don’t understand. This style of behavior is one of the reasons why Bulgaria is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Problems in health care, security, low birth rate, etc. Here, everyone is a goat on their own foot. Everyone pulls for themselves and looks to get their hands on power. Unfortunately, I thought that the new leadership of the BSP, which made requests for consensus in society, continues to behave in the old partisan way, which, frankly, will not bring either the BSP or the country anything good. But this is the reality in our country. I am very interested, after Cornelia Ninova is criticizing us now, how during the campaign she kept repeating that she wanted to form a coalition with us. Our programs were close. And what changed? I will quote Gotse Delchev, who in his letter from 1896 to the public figure Nikola Malevski wrote: “What should we do if we are Bulgarians and suffer from the old disease – as many captains, as many captains…” Well, what has changed in so many years…

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