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Depraved Act of Apartment Security in West Jakarta Forced to Kiss Employees


Apartment security in Cengkareng, West Jakarta (West Jakarta) initials K (48) committed a lecherous act with forced kiss a freight forwarder. The perpetrator said he fell in love with the victim.

The perpetrator’s actions were apparently caught on the CCTV camera in the victim’s office. This video has since gone viral on social media.

The victim was sitting in a chair at the time. Seen a man wearing a security guard was behind the victim.



The man seemed to be holding the employee’s shoulder and the victim was trying to push him away. Shortly after, the perpetrators kissed the victim.

The victim was shocked and dismissed the perpetrator again. The victim then pointed at the CCTV camera. The man also had time to see the CCTV camera.

The two seemed to be talking, but it was not clear what they were saying. The victim then left the perpetrator alone at the location. The event is expected to occur on June 29, 2022.

“Yes (the victim) was forced to kiss,” said Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Public Relations Subdivision AKP Taufik Ikhsan.

Photo: Apartment security arrested after forcibly kissing an expedition employee (Wilda Hayatun Nufus/detikcom)

Victims Report

The victim then reported this incident to the West Jakarta Metro Police. The victim has also received psychological assistance from the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A).

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