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Deposit for glass and plastic bottles. No receipt. New regulations are getting closer

As reported by the portal Commercial News, the plan provides for the introduction of a mandatory deposit system throughout Poland. The fee will apply to reusable glass bottles with a capacity of up to one and a half liters and plastic bottles with a capacity of up to three liters. Aluminum packaging was also included in addition to the regulations.

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Deposit from glass and plastic bottles. Project assumptions

How would the bail system work? “When selling products in packages, a fee is charged, which is returned when the packages or packaging waste are returned without the need to present a receipt confirming prior payment deposit“- quotes the Local Development Forum from the Wiadomości Handlowe portal.

The system will be created by “introducing products in packaging covered by the deposit system”, ie producers. They will be – under the deposit system – “obliged to achieve specific levels of separate collection of packaging or packaging waste; failure to achieve the required levels will result in the necessity to pay the product fee by the marketers.”

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As for the draft amendment to the act on the management of packaging and packaging waste, introducing the so-called ROP (extended producer responsibility), it assumes “imposing on those introducing products in packaging the obligation to finance the management of packaging waste and obtain the required recycling levels”.

The packaging fee is to apply to packaging intended for households

Entities introducing products in packaging will fulfill their statutory obligations by paying the packaging fee. This will only apply to those packages that are intended for households. This fee is to be allocated to “financing the costs of collecting and processing packaging waste in the commune” and “financing the collection and recycling of packaging waste collected outside the communal system”.

The latter element is to take place by concluding an agreement with a producer responsibility organization or by joining an agreement between the chamber of commerce and the regulator (multi-material packaging and hazardous measures) or independently.

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– We still have to wait for the publication of the project. Currently, we can rely on information from the Ministry of Climate and Environment – comments Konrad Nowakowski, president of the Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging.

Jacek Ozdoba, secretary of state of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage admitted that a deposit system will be introduced in Poland. However, in an interview with WP.pl, the politician avoided answering how high such a deposit could be. However, he revealed that the fee should depend on the type and condition of the packaging. In the case of glass bottles, it may also depend on the color. In Western Europe, such a deposit is already in use and ranges from 25 to 50 euro cents (from 50 groszy to two zlotys).

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