Home » today » News » Deportivo – Fuenlabrada: The Xunta de Galicia investigates whether Fuenlabrada breached the coronavirus protocol | Radio Coruña

Deportivo – Fuenlabrada: The Xunta de Galicia investigates whether Fuenlabrada breached the coronavirus protocol | Radio Coruña

The services of Public Health Inspection of the Ministry of Health have opened a reserved information to assess whether the trip of the Fuenlabrada expedition to A Coruña complied with established protocols. Specifically, this investigation wants to officially determine if “the transfer occurred when a positive case was already known in the diagnostic tests of COVID-19 among the members of the club.” Thus it is stated in a letter that the Minister of Health, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña, has sent the presidents of the Professional Football League, the Spanish Football Federation, the Higher Sports Council and Fuenlabrada.

Vázquez Almuiña, who has gone through the microphones of ‘Hora 25’ with Javier Ruiz, has pointed out that “we call Madrid –about 8:00 pm when they notify the positives– to find out if they were aware of these circumstances and said no “. “It is important to know when the cases began to know how to act,” he explained. “Of the 6 players and two members who say, we give five positives and then there is another one that was not notified as such. Tomorrow we will expand the serological study to confirm,” he indicated after the tests carried out on Tuesday. “What I think is that they should not have movedThe rest must be investigated, “he replied to the question of whether both the football team and the League hid the results.

Fuenlabrada traveled to A Coruña after leaving four members of the club in the community of Madrid who had tested positive for coronavirus and after carrying out PCR tests on the expedition that traveled, which did not officially know the results. In that letter, the councilor assures that Public Health did not receive any communication until after a quarter past eight in the afternoon, that is, an hour after the matter began to circulate through all the media.

PCR tests

This afternoon the results of the 46 PCR tests that have been practiced to the components of the expedition of the Fuenlabrada who remain locked in the Hotel Finisterre. So far there have been eight confirmed positives for coronavirus in A Coruña. Of those eight, five have tested positive again. And there is a new case: a person not detected so far as infected who has tested positive, according to information provided by the health area of ​​A Coruña and Cee.

Your manager, Luis Green, has indicated that if there were suspicious cases in the expedition, in no case should they have traveled to A Coruña. They would have to follow the same isolation as an official infected. “The recommendations to the doubtful is that they act as if they were positive cases,” he said.

Those members of Fuenlabrada who test positive must be ten isolated. Isolation for negatives is fourteen days, due to the incubation time of the virus. But this measure will not necessarily take place in A Coruña. The Fuenlabrada expedition could return to its place of origin. The autonomous governments of Galicia and the Community of Madrid, and the Ministry of Health analyze the situation to adopt a final decision. “To take extreme measures we take the samples from the contacts in a room set up for this purpose“, the manager explained to journalists, who indicated that they acted late on Monday, after learning of the situation by tracking the contacts and putting them in quarantine, so the hotel can continue to operate by” extreme “the measures.

In the application of the protocols, they have established the contacts of the eight infected, which “are basically those who had traveled on this expedition.” Once identified, he pointed out, they were advised to stay in their assigned bedrooms.

No tests have been carried out on hotel employees or Alvedro Airport personnel, since the consideration of contact varies “depending on the degree or intensity of the contact that has occurred,” explained Verde, who stressed that only the people from the Fuenlabrada expedition were tested.

Confined in the hotel

Shortly before 10 in the morning they arrived in a car from the Ministry of Health the Sergas staff in charge of carrying out the tests to the Fuenlabrada players that have been confined since yesterday in a plant of the Hotel Finisterre in A Coruña. A hotel that is closed to all personnel outside the facilities, only guests staying can enter and leave.

Between the customers, some discomfort for everything that happened despite the explanations given, others have commented that all cleaning and security protocols have been followed within the enclosure. They have been asked to minimize the passage through common areas, which have been properly disinfected. Among those clients who were going out this morning for a walk, a doctor from Madrid who calls himself “calm” because of what was explained by the hotel’s management and the measures they have adopted.

From the hotel, which belongs to the NH group, they have avoided making statements this morning. Some users of the Solana have come to exercise at the facilities, where there is no surveillance by law enforcement agencies, only a private security guard at the main entrance of the hotel.

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