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Deportation policy: Unreasonable conditions for refugees in Italy too

During my internet research today, I noticed an extremely positive contribution by the women’s association Courage from Tübingen on the subject of deportation: (Source: www.rf-news from December 6th, 2020)

The sick refugee from Cameroon Fleur E. is currently not allowed to be deported to Italy! The Karlsruhe Administrative Court (VWG Karlsruhe) had already stopped the deportation in March 2020 with reference to E.’s physical and psychological problems and the unreasonable conditions for refugees in Italy. Deported refugees are homeless in Italy – not to mention health care. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) did not accept the decision of the VWG and submitted an application to the court to change the ban on deportation. Without success – because E.’s lawyer was able to convince the administrative court with reference to positive decisions by other courts and the broad solidarity and public protests and press releases. The original judgment is therefore still valid. Thereupon the BAMF withdrew its application from 08/24/20 to the VWG Karlsruhe.

On the refugee background:

Fleur fled Cameroon as a Christian in 2014 from religious persecution via Algeria and Libya. Her two-year-old son drowned her first attempt to cross the sea into Italy and she was taken to prison by the EU-equipped Libyan coast guard. After massive abuse and rape, she was able to flee again to Italy with other women and from there later to Germany. Here she has to cope with the horrific loss of her son and the traumatic escape experiences. For this she needs solidarity, a protective environment, therapeutic treatment and a future perspective, argued the women’s association Courage.

Courage thanked everyone who supported Ms. Fleur. It is an indictment of the government in refugee policy and in this special case of the state of Baden-Württemberg in dealing with refugees!

Courage and other organizations will continue to fight for the recognition of Ms. Fleur’s asylum application.

The inhumane conditions for refugees also in Italy prove the Europe-wide fight against the refugees and not the causes of their flight!

For a right of asylum on an anti-fascist basis!

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