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Deportation from Darmstadt: Interior Minister Beuth asks questions about the Omar F.

  • ofClaudia Kabel

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The deportation of Omar F. from Darmstadt to Somalia concerns the Hessian politics. Interior Minister Beuth defends the actions of the authorities. SPD member Becher speaks of a “humanitarian disaster for black and green”.

The deportation of Omar F. from Darmstadt to Somalia caused fear among his compatriots who are currently in Germany. The way in which the 28-year-old was arrested at a routine appointment at the immigration office in Bad Homburg and flown out two days later, aroused massive criticism from refugee aid organizations.

The SPD parliamentary group made a small request to the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, which has now been answered. Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) contradicts the assumption that Omar F. received a leave of absence from work just a few weeks after his deportation in February. He could not have obtained this until “August 2021 at the earliest,” said Beuth. According to this, Omar F. was “legally obliged to leave the country at the time of his deportation”.

Somalia was not considered safe

The Hessian authorities could not have prevented the deportation to the crisis-ridden civil war country Somalia: “It is the responsibility of the responsible Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the administrative courts to assess whether deportation to certain states opposes deportation obstacles.” The action against it was dismissed in 2020. Nevertheless, he had learned German and worked full-time as a machine operator in a recycling company for three years.

In the past few years there had hardly been any deportations to Somalia because the country was not considered safe. According to Beuth, only three Somali nationals have been deported since 2018. Two of them were offenders. Omar F’s case raised the question of whether Hessen is now planning further deportations to Somalia. The SPD also wanted to know whether certain groups of people, such as women and children, were excluded. Beuth said that the obligation of the immigration authorities to enforce the obligation to leave the country remained unchanged. All persons without a right to stay are affected, provided that there are no reasons for toleration or country-specific deportation obstacles.

Shortened deadline for issuing a residence permit is possible

The SPD also wanted to know what considerations there were in the black-green coalition, comparable to Rhineland-Palatinate or North Rhine-Westphalia, to regulate by decree that the period of eight years for issuing a residence permit could be shortened in the event of special integration. This is regulated in Section 25b of the Residence Act.

Beuth emphasized that the law should “not be misunderstood to mean that the rule requirements could be lowered per se”. It only comes into consideration in exceptional cases and only “if the foreigner has achieved a special integration service”. This could be a prominent social engagement or an above-average professional achievement.

SPD deputy mug: “Humanitarian disaster for black-green”

Frank-Tilo Becher, SPD member of the state parliament and sender of the request, described Omar F.’s case as a “humanitarian disaster for black and green”. At the request of the Frankfurter Rundschau he said that no amended state admission law or other laws would have been needed, it would probably have been enough to interpret the discretionary scope of previous regulations in favor of Mr. F. “Why this was not done is not clear from the minister’s answer,” said Becher.

On the three-month ban on deportation to Somalia called for by the Hessian Refugee Council and Pro Asyl, Becher writes that the SPD is currently in close consultation with the parliamentary group. “There are several other countries to which deportations would have to be suspended if this is requested for Somalia.”

Open letter to the Prime Minister: Aid organizations criticize the deportation of Omar F. from Darmstadt

Arrested by authorities: Omar F’s deportation triggers fear among refugees

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