The press conference with numerous participants was held digitally.
Photo: Screenshot Citizens’ Initiative
For years, the Federal Environment Ministry had failed to amend the Atomic Energy Act so that areas could also be expropriated directly for a storage facility. The legislature would only need three months for this. De Witt’s conclusion: “The incorrect selection of the locations examined is another serious lack of consideration.”
Prof. Dr. Karsten Runge then referred to issues that had not been identified or had been neglected in the weighing process: “Despite the requirements of the ESK waste management commission, the dual-track line was not included in the search process for site planning. The heavy load capacity of the road connection was also not weighted in the proceedings – despite the ESK emphasizing the importance. ”In addition, the specified safety distances of 350 meters to the next residential development were not observed. And: “Safety and environmental aspects of the transport route, which would be significantly longer from Würgassen than directly at the Konrad shaft, were not considered.”
In his assessment of the methodology, Runge explained that the criteria set in the so-called scoring procedure for the choice of location were inadequate, their selection was arbitrary and their weighting was incomprehensible. “In the location search process for the major project planned for decades, for example, prompt availability is given a completely inadequate weight. Even a statement by the Öko-Institut that supports Würgassen as a location does not develop any independent criteria. It repeats – uncritically – the criteria of the BGZ, corrects their volatility and constructs a justification for the methodological short circuits. It does not meet the scientific requirements. ”
In addition, the public statement of the BGZ shows that the search was never about the best possible location, but about a suitable location, a clear disregard of the actual requirements. “Compromises increase the risks of radiation safety. The arbitrary selection of a location, the main unique selling point of which is the distance to metropolitan areas, is an ominous déjà-vu in nuclear policy – keyword Gorleben, ”said Runge.
In July, the citizens’ initiative had lawyer de Witt and Prof. Dr. Runge was entrusted with examining the location-finding process for a supply warehouse under legal and planning standards. The municipalities of Beverungen, Uslar, Bad Karlshafen, Trendelburg and Boffzen supported the preparation of the report. The report was commissioned with no results. The next steps will now be checked and planned on the basis of the report, which is a milestone.