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Deploying Swagger for API Management and Front-End Connection

I habitually write a swagger file for the API I develop to facilitate front-end connection, but because these files are stored in my personal swagger account and will be limited by the free version, plus I was just discussing with the PM how to To maintain our files, I started to deploy swagger myself to the company management backend.

Advantages of doing this:

(1) The backend can be edited

(2) The files belong to the company and there is no additional charge

(3) git version control, you can clearly know who has changed what



npm install swagger-ui


step1: Store yaml file

Because this swagger is open to the outside world, it needs to put the file in the public folder. Because the company has multiple products, the path I opened is: public/documents/aaa-api.yaml, public/ documents/bbb-api.yaml

step2: js file configuration file

Add the js settings used for each yaml file in the resource/js folder:


import SwaggerUI from “swagger-ui”;

import “swagger-ui/dist/swagger-ui.css”;


dom_id: “#swagger-api”,

url: ”



import SwaggerUI from “swagger-ui”;

import “swagger-ui/dist/swagger-ui.css”;


dom_id: “#swagger-api”,

url: ”


step3: webpack


To the webpack.mix.js file, add the following

mix.js(“resources/js/aaa-swagger.js”, “public/js”)

.js(“resources/js/bbb-swagger.js”, “public/js”)


npm run dev

Package the js in the resource/js folder into the public/js folder, so that our html file can load them, and the js behind it will help us load the screen into a certain div according to the configuration file.

step4: Write blade template

Added swagger.blade.php


Because the style of each API file is the same, I only open one blade, and the file location that needs to be loaded is passed through the API route.

step5: route

Add the following routes to web.php:


‘prefix’ => ‘documents’,

‘middleware’ => [‘auth:sanctum’]

], function()

Route::get(‘/aaa’, function ()

return view(‘swagger’)->with(‘fileName’, ‘aaa-swagger.js’);

); Route::get(‘/bbb’, function ()

return view(‘swagger’)->with(‘fileName’, ‘bbb-swagger.js’);


step6: open cors

step7: run

composer artisan optimize

Then go to the route you set and you can see the results.

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