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“Deplete the wolf’s weekly luck / Cancer thrives in the workplace during the Gemini peach blossom season”

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Kill the wolf horoscope. Figure / ingimage

Shapolang Weekly Horoscope of the 12 Constellations from April 10th to April 16th, 2023


overall fortune

In terms of money luck, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the money house, and unnecessary electronic equipment will be auctioned online, which can be sold at a good price and replaced with new 3C products. Some Aries will get extra income and have a lot more money.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter and the sun continue to be in a state of conjunction, and they have outstanding performance in the workplace, and their works or performance are valued by their superiors. Some Aries are participating in some professional competitions and will get brilliant results, and people cannot ignore your performance.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of travel, Venus enters the travel sector, and is affected by Saturn in the spiritual sector. Traveling will cause lack of sleep and exhaustion due to lack of sleep or jet lag. Some Aries feel unhappy because the treatment due to travel is discounted.

In terms of home luck, Mars will continue to travel in the home sector, making you feel awkward with your family, and even run away from home or stay away for a long time because of this. Where you live, you need to pay attention to the safety of the home door, and pay attention to the use of electrical appliances and stoves.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Pluto continues to advance in career, and the current position has a certain degree of independence, and you can make decisions on your own, and feel relatively free. Some Taurus are trying to start a business, accept orders or cases, and have more flexible working hours.

In terms of learning luck, Mars in the learning sector is well connected with Saturn in the interpersonal relationship sector. When learning new things, you will meet very wise elders who will patiently guide you, and you will soon be enlightened. Some Taurus will be supported by their teachers, be recommended, and enter a good school to continue their studies.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of money luck, Venus enters the money house, and is affected by Saturn in the house of interpersonal relationships. There are many interpersonal relationships that need to be managed carefully, and expensive gifts are carefully selected for friends and elders, but they are still disgusted and feel uncomfortable.

In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter and the sun will be conjunct in the house of the soul. If the secret love affair is exposed, you will bear a lot of external pressure, and you will even die when your emotions are not yet stable. Some Taurus need to have a soul mate who understands them by their side, but the person they are in contact with now cannot meet your spiritual needs.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional luck, when Venus enters the house of fate, many people will express their affection for you, and it will be a period of peach blossoms in full bloom. But because Venus is affected by Saturn, many of them are rotten peach blossoms, and even have a stable relationship partner. Before falling in love, it is better to investigate the background of the other party.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Jupiter and the sun are conjunct in the interpersonal relationship sector, and there are more social and entertainment activities, and because of this, I have met many new contacts. If you encounter any difficulties at this time, there are noble people who will lend a helping hand. Some Geminis will meet many interesting friends, and life will become happier.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of work luck, Saturn and Neptune are gathered in the career sector, and you are currently in the transition period of changing jobs. You will be idle and have nothing to do for the time being, but this also makes you feel anxious and at a loss for the future. A Gemini with a stable job has a never-ending workload and is tired every day.

In terms of money luck, Mars continues to travel in the money sector, money is consumed very quickly, savings have bottomed out, and positions often need to be adjusted, which is very sad for the economic situation. Some Geminis try their best to hold several errands to earn living expenses, but they often have unexpected expenses, and their wallets will soon bottom out.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Jupiter and the sun will gather in the career sector, and your work ability will be valued by your boss or boss, and you will be in charge of important resources, and you will be very popular in the workplace. Cancers who start their own businesses have a steady growth in business volume. Customers are satisfied with the services you provide and will promote you for good fortune.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the interpersonal relationship sector, and you will be very pleasantly surprised to meet friends you haven’t seen for a long time on the road. Some Cancerians find common interests with those on the fringes of the group and become good moggies.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of emotional luck, Venus enters the house of the soul, and under the influence of Saturn, the person you have a crush on will be transferred from the current job and sent to a different place, feeling sad about the emotions that cannot be expressed. Some Cancers develop a secret love affair with their mentor, but this relationship is not blessed.

In terms of academic luck, Saturn and Neptune are gathered in the academic sector, and you will encounter bottlenecks in the subjects you are currently studying, feel at a loss about the future, and want to change departments, but feel that a lot of money and time are wasted, and you are hesitating in the state.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the career sector, and the crisis is handled properly, which makes many problems better and will be trusted by everyone. Some Leos are very efficient at work, the homework progress is completed ahead of schedule, and the work will be easier.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, when Venus enters the house of interpersonal relationships, you often need to participate in many activities, have many invitations for social entertainment, and get to know many famous people. But because Venus is affected by Saturn, you should also be careful that some people approach you with impure purposes at this time, and beware of getting involved in right and wrong.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of emotional luck, Pluto continues to travel in the emotional sector, and you will feel that the other half has a strong desire to control, and many things are controlled by the other party. Some Leos have no sense of security in their emotional relationship, and they have a strong desire to possess the other half, which makes the other party feel pressured.

In terms of money luck, Saturn in the financial house is affected by Venus in the interpersonal house, so it is easy to have conflicts of interest with some people, resulting in financial disputes, and special care should be taken when dealing with other people’s funds. Leo, who has investment habits, is currently in a state of serious losses, locked at a high point, and it is difficult to get out.


overall fortune

Good luck with money, the Sun and Jupiter in the money house are conjunct, the value of the limited-edition goods purchased earlier has risen, and someone wants to buy from you at a high price. For Virgos who have investment habits, no matter what project they invest in, the index will continue to rise, and they can choose to take profits at relatively high points.

In terms of long-distance travel, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the long-distance travel house, so you can decide on a journey after buying a plane ticket, and check in at the place you want. Some Virgos suddenly want to go on a business trip, and they will flash to a certain city. In addition to work, they will also visit the local area.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of emotional luck, Saturn in the emotional sector is affected by Venus entering the career sector, important dates with your partner must be canceled due to work factors, which makes the other party feel unhappy. The development of the relationship between some Virgos and the person they are currently interacting with has stagnated, and they don’t want to waste time on each other.

In terms of interpersonal relationship, Mars continues to travel in the interpersonal relationship sector, and there are always people who come to you immediately and leave immediately, using you as a tool person, but there is no relative feedback, which makes you feel chilling in interpersonal relationship. Some Virgos have too many social and entertainment activities, and feel that they have no time for themselves to rest and be alone.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter and the sun are conjunct in the emotional sector, you will be confessed by the person you like, and the two parties will formally communicate and become a couple. Libras who have a stable relationship will live together with their emotional partner, or plan to get married, and embark on a new journey in life.

In terms of long-distance travel, Venus enters the long-distance travel house, which is suitable for short-term overseas travel itineraries, and checks in places where you want to go on a pilgrimage. However, because Venus is affected by Saturn in the work house, when traveling, you often receive messages from your bosses and colleagues in the workplace, and even handle official business remotely.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of work luck, Mars is traveling in the career sector, so you have to digest a huge workload in the short term, often need to work overtime, and you will not be free during holidays. Some Libras have to hold many temporary jobs and work hard every day to make ends meet.

In terms of health, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the house of illness, so beware of catching a cold or viral infection, which can cause inflammation of the respiratory system. Some Libras should pay attention to endocrine, glandular, and immune system problems, and try to avoid overwork.


overall fortune

In terms of money luck, Venus enters the financial sector, and consumption or shopping will be discounted because of your special status, which feels great value for money. However, Venus is affected by Saturn. Scorpios with investment habits should not speculate short-term with a gambling mentality, as it is easy to get heavily in debt.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter in the work sector conjuncts the sun, and you will have many advantages in the workplace, and you will get many resources that others cannot get. During this period, there is a lot of room for performance. Please try to show your advantages. Some Scorpios will be poached, or change jobs to better organizations.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of emotional luck, Saturn in the house of love and children is affected by Venus, and the partner of love has some debt problems, which will affect you in turn, and the relationship between the two parties will be tense. Some Scorpio children and pets are in poor health and need to spend a lot of medical expenses on treatment.

In terms of health, Venus enters the house of illness, so beware of catching a cold or viral infection, which will cause throat inflammation. The Sun and Jupiter are conjunct in the health and labor sector. There is a tendency to overwork at work. Pay attention to cardiovascular problems and avoid overloading the liver function caused by overwork.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional luck, Venus enters the emotional sector, and the other half is very considerate to you, and the emotional relationship is pleasant and sweet. Jupiter and the sun are conjunct in the house of love and children. The emotionally stable Sagittarius and the other half will get pregnant, have children, or adopt a furry child.

In terms of work luck, Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the work sector. With new electronic equipment, work efficiency has improved and it has become much easier. Some Sagittarius often need to solve unexpected affairs, handle crises properly, and are trusted by many people.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of home fortune, Saturn in the house of home is affected by Venus. You are concerned about the health of your family members and will spend a lot of time taking care of them. Some Sagittarius live in an environment full of unfriendly neighbors, and are often disturbed by noise, which makes them feel very troubled.

In terms of money luck, Mars continues to travel in the financial sector. When using credit cards, there will be some disputes with the store, and it will be very troublesome to solve these account problems. Sagittarius with investment habits, don’t speculate in the short-term with a speculative mentality, as it is easy to get heavily in debt instantly.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, when Venus enters the work sector, she will undertake a glamorous case or task, which makes many people envious, but because Venus is affected by Saturn, she also bears the pressure not to fail. Some Capricorns will have the opportunity to take a few days off and feel much more relaxed.

In terms of emotional luck, Mercury and Uranus conjunct in the house of love, you will be confessed by an unexpected object, and after talking with the other person, you will also have a good impression. For a Capricorn with a stable relationship, the person you like often deliberately contradicts you, in fact, they want to act like a baby.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of communication luck, Saturn and Neptune gather in the communication sector, and at the same time Saturn is affected by Venus, there is a dull atmosphere in the workplace, and there is no one to talk to. Capricorns who are still students have obstacles in their current subjects, but they don’t know who to ask for advice.

In terms of tourism, Saturn and Neptune are gathered in the travel sector, and at the same time Saturn is affected by Venus. When traveling far away, you will feel that the treatment is not as good as before, the food and accommodation have become more expensive, and the service has also shrunk. Some Capricorns always encounter bad weather when traveling, and cannot make a pilgrimage to the places they want to go smoothly.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional luck, Venus enters the house of love, and has a special affection for a certain person, and feels very happy to see the other person every day. However, Venus is affected by Saturn. Due to the relationship of identity, this object will not have any development with you. possible.

In terms of travel, Jupiter and the Sun are conjunct in the travel sector. When you travel to other places, you will encounter pleasant things and clean up the negative energy accumulated in your heart. Some Aquarius will have many business trip opportunities, and the travel treatment is excellent. In addition to work, you can also visit the local scenery by the way.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of money luck, Saturn and Neptune are gathered in the money house, and you feel that the cost of living is often stretched, and you will want to reduce some unnecessary expenses. Before the end of the month, the salary is almost spent.

In terms of work luck, Mars continues to travel in the work sector, with a heavy workload, often needing to work overtime, being in a tense state for a long time, and showing signs of physical fatigue. Some Aquarius have too many part-time jobs, and sometimes they have to rush to the market, but the remuneration is still not enough to make ends meet.


overall fortune

In terms of money luck, Jupiter and the sun are conjunct in the money house. If you perform well at work, you will receive extra bonuses or remuneration, and you will have enough money to save. Some Pisces are successful in running a sideline business, and their income has increased a lot, even exceeding their full-time salary.

In terms of family and house luck, Venus enters the house of the house, and there will be a lot of time to reunite and meet with family members. However, Venus is affected by Saturn, and family members will give you some pressure on certain things and make you feel upset. Some Pisces will buy new furniture and give the living environment a new look.

Things to watch out for this week

In terms of health, Saturn and Neptune are together in the house of fate, and some signs of chronic diseases have emerged, so you need to pay attention to your health. Some Pisces have some minor problems with their bones, skin, or teeth, which require long-term correction or treatment.

In terms of emotional luck, Mars continues to travel in the house of love and children, and often quarrels with the person you like because of small things. After reconciliation, the same problem still continues to hit the wall, and I feel tired. Some Pisces will lose their temper because children or pets are out of control, and children may also get sick at this time, which annoys you.

☛This is a folk saying and does not represent the position of this news website. Do not be overly superstitious.

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