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departure postponed! – OA Sport


4.25 New Zealand faster now, he recovers and goes to just 50 meters.

4.25 Team New Zealand turns to the left side and Luna Rossa responds immediately.

4.24 The Kiwis are browsing in the waste of Luna Rossa, which in fact earns. 80 meters.

4.24 At the first turn Luna Rossa is ahead of New Zealand, boats separated by 20 meters! Crazy!

4.23 Starting practically even. Now the boats are side by side!

4.22 The New Zealanders are early and must bear away!

4.22 Light wind now, 8-9 knots.

4.22 Weird Luna Rossa, but the New Zealanders react immediately. Very hot phase, aggressive Kiwis.

4.21 Luna Rossa enters port tack again in the pre-start phase. Once again the Kiwis go after Bruni and Spithill.

4.20 Three minutes to the start. The previous pre-start was not going well for Luna Rossa, Team New Zealand was closely marking the Italians.

4.19 10 knots right now. Once again the weather forecasts that had predicted very light wind proved to be false.

4.18 It starts again at 4.23!

4.16 The jury makes it known that there have been problems with the public in the village. From tomorrow in Auckland the lockdown will drop from 2 to 1, but already today there are many people!

4.15 It is very strange, because a wind between 8 and 10 knots was blowing. Therefore the postponement is difficult to understand.

4.15 SHOT OF SCENE! Departure postponed!

4.14 Attention, New Zealand is very closely following Luna Rossa.

4.13 Luna Rossa enters the pre-start area on port tack. The New Zealanders follow on starboard tack.

4.10 Five minutes to go. 9.5 knots, so let’s go!

04.07 The organizers are now talking about wind between 5 and 12 knots.

04.05 The operations in the water have started to all intents and purposes, the two crews are obviously on the boats.

04.03 The wind would have risen by a breath and should be around 9 knots, in these conditions we can start. We’ll see.

04.01 Luna Rossa has managed to beat Team New Zealand in a wind range that is not ideal for its characteristics. The light wind is instead ideal for Team Prada Pirelli, but we’ll see if we can get away. A few moments to the official wind measurement.

03.59 Even the forecasts for the next few days are not particularly comforting since we always talk about very light wind, especially between Saturday and Sunday. We will see if we manage to be above the minimum limit of 6.5 knots.

03.57 It starts from 1-1, the program is very tight: there are no more days of rest, it will go on indefinitely until one of the two crews obtains the seven victories necessary to conquer the America’s Cup.

03.54 Tension rises in the Hauraki Gulf: will we be able to leave? The first official wind measurement will start at 04.03: at least 6.5 constant knots are needed for five consecutive minutes so that the race can be started.

03.51 Luna Rossa will start on port tack in race-3 and on starboard tack in race-4. Recall that those on port tack enter the pre-start area 2’10 ”before the start, those on starboard tack will do it 2 ‘from the actual start.

03.48 Attention also to the stretches to cover: with these particular weather conditions you should opt for the 4 sides, that is 2 upwind and as many downwind.

03.45 The start will be very important, being able to shoot in front is really decisive for the outcome of the regattas. Even if such a particular situation with little wind could open up to new scenarios, it will be essential to take advantage of every single wind shift: the difference could come from reading the race course.

03.42 We repeat: the weather forecasts published by the organizers after the “morning debriefing” speak of a wind between 2 and 7 knots, with peaks of 9. 6.5 knots are needed to start, we’ll see what the conditions will be in about twenty minutes, i.e. at the time of the first useful wind measurement in order to then be able to start race-3.

03.39 Today the choice of sails will also be important to face this difficult situation of very light wind. Will Team New Zealand unleash the infamous Code Zero?

03.36 Meanwhile, we also give important news: Jelinda Ardern, premier of New Zealand, has officially announced that the entire Auckland region will go into level 1 lockdown starting tomorrow. We therefore return to normal after two weeks between alert 3 and alert 2. What changes for the America’s Cup? Event with doors open to the public and the possibility of racing on fields B, C, D (those closest to the port).

03.33 Luna Rossa frightened the Kiwis by managing to win race-2 two days ago. The Italian crew has made it clear that they are a worthy opponent and now Peter Burling’s crew are no longer so sure of winning easily.

03.30 The start of the first regatta is fixed at 04.12 Italian time.

03.27 The last time such a faint was seen it was still autumn: December 20, 2020, Christmas Race. New Zealand will be able to beat Ineos Uk in the first semifinal, but the result is not approved because he crossed the line after 45 minutes. The next Luna Rossa-American Magic did not take place because there was not enough wind. It’s been practically three months and it’s almost spring, it seems like a lifetime ago.

03.24 Team New Zealand especially likes strong breezes, so it could be a bit difficult. On Wednesday there was a variable wind between 12 and 16 knots.

03.21 Luna Rossa has always declared that she prefers light winds, so these are her ideal conditions (assuming you can start). The boys of skipper Max Sirena must groped to make the coup.

03.18 We remind you that there are also time limits to be respected. For the result to be validated, each race must last less than 45 minutes in total and the first leg of the windward must be completed in less than 12 minutes.

03.15 To start the races it is necessary that there are at least 6.5 knots for five consecutive minutes at a specific time, ie between 9 and 4 minutes before the start.

03.12 We remind you that there must be at least 6.5 knots to start a regatta, so tonight’s two races are at serious risk. You will have to wait and see.

03.10 Let’s start with the first two data, announced in the last hours: the race course E has been chosen, as reported by the official press release, between 2 and 7 knots will blow from the north-east.

03.07 Race-3 and Race-4 are scheduled for tonight in Auckland Bay. It will start at 04.10.

03.05 Hello and welcome to LIVE LIVE of the America’s Cup, the match race between Luna Rossa and Team New Zealand.

ForecastStefano Vegliani’s analysis of the first two regattasWhere to follow the regattas on TV and streaming

Goodnight friends of OA Sport and welcome to LIVE LIVE on the second official day of competition of the America’s Cup 2021, ongoing in Auckland Bay (New Zealand). After a day of rest, we return to the water for the tour de force which, weather permitting, will assign the Old Pitcher in less than a week to Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli The Emirates Team New Zealand. Recall that Italians and New Zealanders compete in a series of the best of 13 regattas that will reward the first team capable of reaching 7 points.

At the moment the situation is in perfect balance, on the score of 1-1 after the first two races staged on Wednesday, so today’s day will potentially be very important especially in the event of a possible double success that would direct the confrontation on one side or on the other. other. But pay attention to the weather forecasts, which do not exclude a possible postponement of the challenges due to the little wind (under 6.5 knots you cannot race) in the Hauraki Gulf. Luna Rossa must still be ready in all conditions, to continue to put pressure on the Kiwis and try to prolong this match race as much as possible. Headlights always focused on the close match in pre-start between Peter Burling (Te Rehutai) and the couple James Spithill-Francesco Bruni (Luna Rossa).

Appointment fixed tonight at 4.15 with the start of race-3 between Luna Rossa and New Zealand, while the fourth act of the series valid for the America’s Cup 2021 is also scheduled to follow. OA Sport offers you the full LIVE textual LIVE night of the event with constant updates in real time so as not to miss a minute of Luna Rossa’s journey in this 36th edition of the America’s Cup: have fun!

Photo: Lapresse

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