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Departmental elections in the Hérault: the point two months before the ballot

The election confirmed, the formations refine their strategy and the puzzle takes shape. First fluoroscopy of an election where the National Rally will want to challenge socialist hegemony.

1. Can the majority change?

It would take a tsunami. With 14 out of 25 cantons in their pocket, the Socialists and their allies have a comfortable lead over a fragmented and divided opposition. Certainly, some territories can escape them in Cazouls, Lunel, Sète, Frontignan… Certainly, the stated ambitions of the National Gathering, the national context and the risk of very strong abstention are likely to produce some effects in the ballot box. But the PS can hope to compensate for any losses by recovering the Montpellier cantons abandoned by the “Saurélie” and thus keep a few seats in advance.

2. Can Mesquida be worried?

Kléber Mesquida no longer has to prove his strong anchoring. Mayor of Creissan for 18 years (1977-1995), of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières for 17 (1995 to 2012), he has been elected in his canton since… 1994! The re-election of the outgoing president, candidate for his own succession, is it for all that acquired on its grounds? If he had flown over the 2008 election against the Frontist Philippe Delmotte (83% – 17%), this had not been the case in 2015 when the duel of the Mesquida / Pons-Delmotte / Terral pairs had delivered a much more verdict. tight: 59% to 41%.

This time, Mesquida will not find Delmotte, retired in Labastide-Rouairoux, on his way. But there will be an RN doublet. The danger could also have come from his own camp if Francis Cros, general councilor from 1992 to 2015 in the canton of La Salvetat-sur-Agout, where he is mayor, had decided to go to the front. This will not be the case.

3. Montpellier, what recomposition?

In the unanimous opinion, the five cantons of Montpellier will be subject to a total redistribution of the cards. Bolstered by Philippe Saurel’s victory in Montpellier, the four outgoing pairs now appear weakened and in dispersed order. “Everyone is free, we are not a political party”, blows the former mayor. “I’m thinking, I haven’t made a decision”, admits Michèle Dray-Fitoussi, president of the former group of elected officials called “ saurelians ”. The timeliness of an application is also measured by the financial risks taken by the applicants.

Below 5% of votes cast, those concerned find themselves deprived of a reimbursement of their campaign expenses. An argument which can make one think before a poll where the participation promises to be low and the candidatures finally quite numerous, carried by the rebellious France or the movement “We are”.

4. Greens: the ambition to have a group

This is the corollary of the previous point. The activists of Europe Ecology-The Greens would see themselves converting their electoral successes, particularly in Montpellier where they have since been associated with the management of the City led by Mickaël Delafosse. “We get along and it works pretty well, it’s a real step forward”, comments a green elected official. Subject to an internal agreement – which is not won because differences persist – alliances with the PS are possible in Montpellier as well as joint candidacies in Lunel or Mauguio. The ambition is to form a green group (6 elected), which would be a first for the Department. “Having a group, in the decisions, that weighs”, highlights an EELV framework.

5. Which cantons can switch?

In 2015, the case had played out in a pocket square in five cantons. For 333 voices in Lattes, 270 in Saint-Gély-du-Fesc, 208 in Castelnau-le-Lez, 112 in Lunel and… 43 in Cazouls, the duets Meunier / Weber, Barral / Vignon, Cristol / Fabre, Calvat / Nurit and Reboul / Vidal had won the bet. Where they present themselves, facing a tandem probably presented by the RN in Cazouls, on the right in Castelnau, the outgoing candidates will have to fight to be re-elected. Where they do not represent themselves (Claude Barral and Bernadette Vignon in Lunel) or one has gone under other skies (Guillaume Fabre in Saint-Gély), everything has to be reconstructed.

Vote on Sundays June 20 and 27

Coupled with the regional elections, this departmental ballot will therefore take place on Sundays, June 20 and 27. The candidates of the first round must imperatively submit their file before Friday May 7th. It is a two-round majority vote. The pair which obtains 50% of the votes cast is elected. The tandems of candidates having obtained 12.5% ​​of those registered are qualified for the second round. If a single or no pair does not reach this threshold, the first two, or the second are qualified for the second round.

The coastal strip will also be one to watch. The former mayor of Frontignan Pierre Bouldoire and Sylvie Pradeille, elected at 51% in 2015, will have a hard time facing RN Gérard Prato, especially if PC and Greens advance their own pawns. In Sète, Act II of the municipal elections looks very eventful and uncertain.

6. How many hybrid pairs?

This is one of the curiosities of this ballot. Pushed by the mayors, pairs associating right and left, in particular on the Saint-Loup peak with the tandem Laurence Cristol (LR) and Jérôme Lopez (related PS) could see the light of day. A Jacques Martinier (DVD) -Michèle Cassar (DVG) doublet is also planned for Pignan. Associations of opportunities that make people talk. “It is the most detestable policy, the one which discredits it the most”, Robert Ménard gets carried away by these “republican fronts” anticipated.

In short

● Bruguière, Barral: final clap. Two personalities from the departmental assembly will not seek a new mandate in June: Marie-Thérèse Bruguière and Claude Barral. Mayor of Saint-Aunès (1989-2017), senator UMP (2008-2014) and LR (2017-2020), vice-president of the agglomeration community of the Pays de l’Or (2008-2017) and regional councilor ( 1998-2008), the first, aged 78, had been a departmental councilor for the canton of Mauguio since 2015, in tandem with Brice Bonnefoux. His fight against Georges Frêche not to be absorbed in the agglomeration of Montpellier, at the beginning of the 2000s, in particular marked the spirits. For the socialist Claude Barral, it is a page of 26 years that is turned: the former mayor of Lunel (1989-2001), 73, is today vice-president of the Department, delegate for economic development and tourism .

● The mayor of Mauguio interested. Yvon Bourrel, mayor of Mauguio, did not hide his interest in this departmental election. This candidacy would not be viewed with a negative eye by Kléber Mesquida who appreciated the work carried out with the elected Melgorien.

● Cantons and Epci, same fight. This is a particularity that weighs when establishing the pairs of candidates. Three cantons have a perimeter which perfectly matches that of community of commune. These are those of Lunel, Saint-Gély-du-Fesc and Mauguio. Consequently, the weight of the mayors to ask for a fair distribution is strong there and explains certain arbitrations like that which led to the tandem Jérôme Lopez, Laurence Cristol in Saint-Gély.

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