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Departmental 2021: no dissidents to the URB and Left candidates and environmentalists gathered in the canton of Montluçon-2 (Allier)

In 2015, Montluçon-2, the former canton of Daniel Dugléry, mayor of Montluçon from 2001 to 2017, had been the object of envy since no less than five pairs were in the running. Françoise Czekaj, Daniel Dugléry’s deputy in 2008, who became general councilor in 2010 after the resignation of the latter elected to the regional council, had chosen not to stand for re-election.

Left and right parties divided in 2015

Six years ago, however, left and right were divided. On the right, the representatives of the Republican Union for Bourbonnais, Hubert Renaud, deputy mayor at the time, and Annie Ferry had been confronted with a candidacy from dissident municipal councilor Jean Demasse (in tandem with Laetitia Martin).

On the Left, Christian Sanvoisin, the mayor of Désertines, and Geneviève de Gouveia, for the Left Front-PCF, had to deal with a PS duo bringing together Jean-Pierre Bouyssou and Béatrice Miclet.

The canton passes to the left for 127 votes

Aurélie Naudin and Jonathan Serre, the FN candidates, hoped to play spoilers. Arrived third on the evening of the first round with 21.5% of the vote, they refused to give a voting instruction for the second round.

At the end of the second round, Geneviève de Gouveia and Christian Sanvoisin had benefited from a good carryover of left-wing votes and had tilted the canton for just 127 votes.

First round
The URB candidates, Hubert Renaud and Annie Ferry came first with 29.3% of the votes ahead of the Front de Gauche-PCF duo, Geneviève de Gouveia and Christian Sanvoisin, who obtained 26.3%. With 21.5% of the vote, the FN did not qualify for the second round but came in third position ahead of the Socialists Jean-Pierre Bouyssou and Beatrice Miclet (15.4%) and the other right-wing pair, Jean Demasse and Laëtitia Martin (6.9%)
Second tour
The Left Front-PCF candidates benefited from a good transfer of votes from the left. They won with 127 votes more than the URB pair, ie 2,587 votes (51.3%) for Christian Sanvoisin and Geneviève de Gouveia against 2,460 votes (48.7%) for Hubert Renaud and Annie Ferry.

A third pair in the colors of the presidential majority

This year, on the left and on the right, no dissent. Anne-Cécile Benoît-Gola, deputy mayor of Montluçon delegate for health, and François Brochet are URB candidates.

For the Left and the ecologists gathered, Geneviève de Gouveia, outgoing councilor, defends her post with Jean-Luc Bernard, deputy mayor of Désertines, Christian Sanvoisin, not representing himself.

If the National Rally does not have a candidate, Montluçon-2 is on the other hand one of the two cantons (with Moulins 1) to have a pair of the presidential majority, Maud Bigouret-Maritorena and Jean-François Jarrige will wear the colors of The Republic On The Move.

the candidates
URB. Anne-Cécile Benoît-Gola, François Brochet (holders); Jennifer Lamer and Alric Berton (alternates). Left and environmentalists gathered. Geneviève de Gouveia, Jean-Luc Bernard (holders); Maria Tornero, Remi Soulier (alternates)
LREM. Maud Bigouret-Maritorena, Jean-François Jarrige (holders); Marie-Elisabeth Devessier-Viard, Patrice Viard (Substitutes).
The territory
Resulting from the new territorial division of Allier, the canton of Montluçon-2 includes part of Montluçon and the commune of Désertines. It has 16,106 inhabitants.

For all the candidates, health will be a major stake in this canton which has two hospitals, retirement homes, and where 40% of voters are over 60 years old. Mobility (soft travel and free school transport), adaptation of housing, the outskirts of town will also be important themes in this urban area.

Florence Farina

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