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Department of Transportation Installs Electronic Devices to Monitor Intersections in NYC

it seems that we are notwatch. The Department oftransportation has placedelectronic devices in 12vehicular intersections inbrooklyn, manhattan, and in thebronx. is a living initial thattells us today. we know that thepeople confuse thedevices with cameras butcenter uslooks like a small cameratransportation department hasinstalled to analyze thetraffic as pedestrians passand cyclists in an effort toimprove security inyou were goinghere a 48 year old man wasrun over trying to cross76th street and another man wasrolled this weekend.both lost their lives. thoseof transport wants to prevent.at this intersection they haveplaced this sensor.lothey installed here because I continuedopen street pattern.they want to analyze how it isworking. earlierwe spoke with the commissioner oftransport.sensors?mainly everythingis is to be able to give ourselves the time toAct. is to catch up withthe technology.pilot plan is importantbecause with information they canto be cycle you went to the highs,add crosswalks,depending on the needsin those areas.keep looking in thesidewalk capacity forlet people walkWe need spaces.12 sensors were installedactivity in the streetsand pedestrians. in brooklyn there isfour.and when the sensor isclimbing streets like these,I show how you see it. the linesdark blue represent bywhere pedestrians pass theclear where thecyclists and see them from wherevehicles cross.this is currently being collectedinformation manually. aworker goes to the street orCheck out traffic ideas. butaccording to the department ofcostly suppressive transportationlimits the locations wherecan collect this data.the plan is to expand thistry other placesother areas than the actions oftáfico have been part of theconcern of the authoritiesto try to avoid them.Adriana: Thank you. and this night

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