Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 6:00 a.m.
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Department of Medical Sciences Collaborating with the cervical cancer screening network using the HPV DNA Test method, aiming to test 1 million Thai women aged 30-60 years by 2024, starting this December, nationwide.
Dr. Yongyot Thamwut, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health Acting Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences Said the Department of Medical Sciences Support the comprehensive cancer policy of the Ministry of Public Health Has created a self-screening project for cervical cancer. With the HPV DNA Test method, separating 14 high-risk strains for Thai women aged 30-60 years from the country’s overall data, Thai women must be screened within 5 years (B.E. 2021-2025) number of 15,677,638 people. In 2022, there was a target of 3,135,528 people, but only 613,254 people or 19.6 percent were screened, which is work that must be expedited (Quick win) because It was found that there are still not less than 10 million Thai women who have not been examined.
Since 2020 onwards, NHSO. Agreed to increase benefits in the national health insurance system. Cervical cancer screening using the HPV DNA Test method for Thai women aged 30-60 years covers all rights nationwide for free. From the beginning that used to check By using a Pap smear or VIA (VIA), which is in line with the recommendations for cervical cancer screening from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. of Thailand To increase the effectiveness of cervical cancer screening services
Cervical cancer screening using the HPV DNA Test is a molecular test that is accurate. More accurate and sensitive than the Pap smear test, it can identify 14 or more high-risk HPV strains, which are the main causes of cervical cancer, such as strains 16 and strain 18. Found to be the cause of up to 70% of cervical cancers. In cases where the HPV virus is not detected, repeat testing can be avoided for up to 5 years, providing high accuracy in detecting infection. Able to detect patients before they develop cervical cancer. Bringing patients into treatment It can be prevented before it develops into cervical cancer. Effective cervical cancer screening This causes more patients to be detected at an early stage. and can enter treatment quickly before it spreads Helps reduce the incidence and death from cervical cancer compared to Pap smears. In addition, cervical cancer screening using the HPV DNA Test method can be used to test samples that Thai women collect themselves. No need to get on a trestle to be examined by a doctor. Reduce shyness and avoid the inconvenience of undergoing screening in distant service units at similar costs.
However, in 2023, the Department of Medical Sciences, through the 3rd Medical Sciences Center, Nakhon Sawan, developed a proactive cervical cancer screening model. Using a self-sampling kit (HPV Self-Sampling) in Chainat Province. It is a pilot area. Emphasis on integrated work of all relevant sectors at the provincial level. There is development of training to educate village health volunteers, which will be an important force in educating women in the community. Knock on the door Encourage target women to access screening. and help in following up so that those found to be at high risk receive timely treatment. until Chainat Province The rate of cervical cancer screening among Thai women aged 30-60 years is number 1 in the country and can be used to expand the results to benefit other areas.
Currently, the Department of Medical Sciences By the Public Health Science Research Institute And all 15 medical science centers have trained personnel by enhancing technical knowledge and controlling the quality of laboratory examinations as well as developing their potential. Community Medical Science Village Health Volunteer (Village Health Volunteers, Scientists) Currently there are more than 21,889 people, distributed in every sub-district across the country. To have knowledge and expertise in using self-sample collection kits, as well as knowledge about cervical cancer, prevention, and treatment in order to pass on to target women in their area for cervical cancer screening. By integrating and working together with the Inspector General of the Ministry of Public Health and Provincial Public Health Doctors. and related network partners in screening and prevent cervical cancer This will lead to access to treatment and risk reduction. as well as the death of Thai women
The sample collection process will begin from December 2023 onwards simultaneously throughout the country in all 13 health zones, which aims to allow Thai women to be screened. Number of 1,000,000 samples by 2024, which will help Thai women access services. comprehensively Covered in every area There will also be Big Data information that will support Thai medical and public health operations. Stepping towards precision medicine,” said Dr. Yongyot.

2023-11-27 23:00:00
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