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Dental problems affect brain health. What the studies say

Even brushing habits play an extremely important role in the health of the nervous system. These have been associated, in some studies, with increased risks of stroke. Heart disease, along with high blood pressure, were also included in these risks.

Dental problems affect brain health

It’s no secret that proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Routine visits to the dentist are recommended to prevent various diseases of the teeth or gums.

However, for many of us, the dentist’s office is not the most pleasant place. Fear of the dentist should not overshadow concern for oral health.

“Studying oral health is particularly important because it happens frequently. In addition, poor oral health is an easily modifiable risk factor,” says Dr. Rivier, a neurology researcher at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.

“Everyone can effectively improve their oral health with a minimal investment of time and money,” he continued for EverydayHealth.com publication.

Specialists draw attention to healthy lifestyle habits that have a beneficial impact on the body. Interestingly, the health of the teeth and gums can influence the state of the nervous system. The ability to memorize certain information and to think clearly can also be integrated into this situation.

Between 2014 and 2021, researchers in this study looked at the potential link between oral health and brain health among about 40,000 adults with no medical history.

Participants were screened for 105 genetic variants that increase the risk of developing cavities and missing teeth later in life. The relationship between the burden of these genetic risk factors for poor oral health and brain health was also assessed.

What do the study results say?

The results of the studies also do not show whether good oral health could prevent nervous system problems such as cognitive decline. More specifically, it is not known whether taking better care of your teeth can prevent a stroke, for example, writes Heart.org.

Environmental factors, smoking or other health problems such as diabetes have a stronger risk of developing oral health problems.

In addition, doctors and researchers believe that the way you pay attention to your oral health is important, regardless of other repercussions. Here’s how you can choose a toothbrush that’s right for you.

Studies say that people who need dentures may face a higher risk of developing brain diseases. Poor oral health can cause declines in brain health. So, you have to be very careful about hygiene. The reason, has far more powerful implications than the “bad” bacteria in the oral cavity.

Specialists also mention that these are preliminary studies. Therefore, they claim that it would be necessary to look for more evidence in this regard.

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