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Denmark opens: – Throws the muzzle and opens for 25,000 spectators

– It is a marked reopening of Danish society, said Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke after an agreement had been reached in the Danish Parliament just before 04 o’clock on Thursday night.

Among other things, it was decided that the vast majority of restrictions in Denmark will be history by September, where the goal is that only the nightlife is subject to restrictions.

– We are in a favorable situation in Denmark, where there is reason to face the summer optimistically. The development of infection is at a stable level, while the vaccination of Danes continues at a good pace, says Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup in a press release.

The Minister of Health shares the optimism.

– The infection is on the way down, 2.5 million people have received at least one vaccination bite and the good weather is to our advantage, he says.

This is the plan

  • The mouthpiece can be thrown from Monday 14 June – except for standing passengers on public transport.
  • From Friday 11 June, the opening hours for restaurants will be extended from 22 to 24, with a plan to be able to stay open until 2 am from 15 July.
  • For restaurants where guests mainly sit, the distance requirement from 1 July will also be removed.
  • From 1 July, up to 250 people can also be gathered indoors.
  • From Monday, the phasing out of the corona passport will also start in places where there is little risk of infection. This includes libraries and leisure and association activities.

PHASE OUT: In Denmark, the plan is for the requirement to present a corona passport to be scrapped in most places by 1 September.  Tom Little / AFP / NTB

PHASE OUT: In Denmark, the plan is for the requirement to present a corona passport to be scrapped in most places by 1 September. Tom Little / AFP / NTB
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  • From Monday 14 June, all pupils in primary and lower secondary school, as well as upper secondary school, can return. However, it is recommended that students test themselves twice a week. The same applies to Danes who want to return to the office.
  • From 1 September, the requirement to present a corona passport will be completely removed in most places. However, there will still be a requirement to present corona passes at outdoor events with more than 2,000 spectators, at indoor events with standing places, and in the nightlife.
  • It is also open to 25,000 spectators at Parken arena in Copenhagen for Denmark’s European Championship matches, where the first will take place already on Saturday, when the Danes meet Finland. Dansk Boldspil-Union says, however Danish TV 2 that they will not be ready to receive so many spectators in two days. The limit was originally set at just under 16,000.
  • From 1 September, the plan is that it will also be possible to go to a nightclub, and without other restrictions, if a corona pass can be presented. The nightclubs have been closed since March 2020.

(Source: BT, Ekstra Bladet, NTB)


In Denmark, the corona passport, which will, among other things, ensure Europeans safe travel this summer, has already been used for a few weeks, while Norway will roll out its first version of the corona passport on Friday.

It will be presented how the passport will be used domestically in Norway, in step 3 of the reopening plan, next week, writes NTB.

In Denmark, there is extensive use of the passport, which is obtained after vaccination, coronary heart disease, or negative test not older than 72 hours. Among other things, it must be presented to visit restaurants, bars and amusement parks.

Even if the requirement to present a corona passport is removed for some places where the risk of infection is small, there will still be extensive use of this, says Minister of Justice Hækkerup according to NTB.

In Denmark, it has also been open for quarantine-free travel for a few weeks, to the country defined as yellow country. There you just have to pay attention to your own safety, and releases ten-day quarantine after the return.

WARNING: Minister of Health Bent Høie warns against sharing this on social media. Video: The government
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Norway can open more this week

Unlike Denmark, Norway has chosen to stay away from specific dates in its reopening plan. In this country, the main rule is that there should be at least three weeks between each step, with room for adjustments.

Next week, the government will assess whether it is justifiable for Norway to go to step 3 of the national reopening plan. Among other things, it is open for normal serving times and it is considered to increase the limit on how many people can gather both privately and in the public space. It may also be relevant that more people gather for events.

On Wednesday, 904 new cases of infection were registered in Denmark. 122 corona patients are hospitalized.

If the infection rises worryingly, the health service is overloaded, or new and virus variants that give cause for concern spread quickly, phases of the reopening can be postponed, the agreement states.

A press conference on the Danish reopening plan has been announced at 12 noon on Thursday.

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