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Denmark is reopened further

The agreement was signed around 4 o’clock on Thursday night, after more than twelve hours of negotiations.

All parties in the Danish Parliament were represented at the negotiations, with the exception of Nye Borgerlige.

Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke from the Social Democrats states that from Monday it will only be on public transport that people must wear face masks.

Prior to the negotiations, several professors had said that the requirement for a bandage could well be removed, at least in part. Just under a third of the country’s population has been vaccinated against covid-19.

Positive infection development

An earlier framework agreement stated that bandages should be phased out at the latest when everyone over the age of 16 had been vaccinated. It was expected to be in September, but the parties and the government believe that the development of the infection is so positive that the mouthpiece can largely be dropped from Monday.

– A settlement with the bandage. Faster phasing out of the assembly ban. Two main demands from DF during the negotiations on further reopening. Together with a large number of other freedoms for the Danes, it is difficult not to be very happy with the agreement tonight, tweets party leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl in the Danish People’s Party.

Significant relief for the nightlife and restaurants

At the same time, restaurants and bars will already from Friday be allowed to hold open and heavy alcohol until midnight, instead until 10 pm, as has been the case. From mid-July, the doors can be kept open until 2 o’clock.

However, there is still extensive use of corona passports, says Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup. The corona passport is documentation that you have either been vaccinated, been infected in the last six months, or have taken a negative corona test a maximum of 72 hours in advance.

The country’s nightclubs will reopen from 1 September, with a requirement for a corona pass for entry. In return, there will be no restrictions on opening hours.

Already a month later, on October 1, the requirement for a corona passport is also dropped.

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