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Denisa Valov and Krytof Novk: Love Island Winners and Influencer Couple

Denisa Valov (21) and Krytof Novk (28) emerged‌ as the winners of last ‌year’s season of the reality show Love Island. Even after returning from the Canary Islands, they continue ‍to form ⁢a beautiful couple and are now ​planning to live together. Denisa had to cancel her studies in dental medicine at Masaryk ‍University due to ⁤her involvement in Love Island. Now, she is​ planning‍ to return to‌ college, and for this reason, she is moving to Brno with Krytof.

“My life has completely⁢ turned upside down. Before, I​ used to go to school, I had different interests, and people didn’t know me.‍ Now, everything is different. I canceled my studies, and people recognize me. I am returning to college, and ‌I am excited ⁢about ​it,” said the charming Denisa ⁤in an interview with Expres.cz. She added ⁣that she is ‍moving to Brno⁣ with Krytof.

Denisa has a hundred thousand ⁢followers on⁢ Instagram and has launched a successful career as an influencer. She is grateful for​ this opportunity ⁢and enjoys it. However, ⁣she admits that she is worried about the lack‌ of‍ long-term prospects ‍in this field. As a model student, she has decided‌ to complete her ‍dental medicine studies. Becoming a dentist is ⁣her dream.

“I am a little afraid⁣ that this influencer career ‍doesn’t⁣ have a long-term perspective. ​That’s why I⁣ want‍ to ‌finish my⁤ studies in‌ dental medicine, which I had decided on before Love Island, to have security⁤ and a‌ profession for the ⁢rest of my ⁤life,” Denisa⁤ revealed.

The reality show has truly‌ changed their ‍lives. Denisa ⁤applied to Love ⁢Island because⁤ she⁢ wanted to gain new experiences, meet new ⁤people, and have​ new adventures. ⁢Initially, she⁣ didn’t think she would be selected and stay in ⁤the villa ‍for‍ more than a week.

“I didn’t ⁤expect to​ make it‌ to ⁢the ‍finale. I ⁢didn’t even think they⁣ would choose me. Until then,​ I⁤ didn’t feel like I would fit in there. So, I didn’t think I would stay there for more than⁤ a week.‌ But it turned‍ out the way it did, and I am incredibly happy‌ about it,” Denisa shared.

In ⁢Love Island, Denisa met Krytof, who fell madly in love with⁢ her. Denisa‍ was initially cautious, but she eventually succumbed to his charm, and they became one of the most beloved couples of ⁢the season. Valov admitted that ‌it was initially challenging ⁤to establish‍ a deep‌ connection, ⁣but they continued their relationship even after​ returning to the Czech Republic.

It is no secret that they have‍ faced some‍ minor crises and arguments. According to Denisa, the crucial factor⁤ in any relationship is whether⁢ they can overcome these challenges. Fortunately, Denisa⁢ and Krytof have overcome all obstacles, and their ⁣relationship has reportedly become even​ stronger.

A few months ⁣ago, Denisa⁤ underwent breast augmentation surgery, which she had contemplated for a long time. She is completely ‌satisfied‍ with ‍the results and is glad to ​have completed the recovery‌ period, which had certain limitations.

“I⁢ feel great, I am absolutely satisfied. I was looking forward to it, and for a⁢ while, I‍ was thinking about ⁣it. I​ am glad that I have ‍completed the recovery period, and ⁤now‌ I have no‌ limitations. It turned⁣ out well,” Denisa concluded.

Denisa and Krytof’s journey ​on Love Island has brought them fame, love, and new opportunities. Now, they are‌ ready to‌ face the future together, with Denisa determined to pursue her⁣ studies ​and Krytof supporting her every step of the way.

What motivated Denisa to prioritize her studies in dental medicine over her influencer career

A new experience and challenge herself. Little did she know that it would‌ completely transform her life. Winning the show‌ was a dream come true for both ​Denisa ⁢Valov and ⁢Krytof Novk, but their post-show journey has been just as exciting.

After returning from ​their memorable love story on the exotic Canary Islands, Denisa and Krytof have continued to build their relationship and are now taking the next big step – moving in‍ together.‍ Denisa had to make the difficult decision of ‌cancelling her ⁢studies in dental medicine at Masaryk University due ⁣to her involvement in Love Island. However, ⁢she is ‌now determined to return to college and pursue her passion.

In an interview with Expres.cz, Denisa ⁤expressed how her life has turned upside ‌down since her Love Island journey began. She used to be just an ordinary student with various interests, but now​ she is recognized wherever she goes. ⁢Despite the newfound fame, Denisa is excited to⁢ go back to college and ⁣resume‌ her studies.

Denisa, who has amassed a staggering 100,000 followers ‍on Instagram, has also become a successful influencer. She is grateful for the opportunities that ‌have come her way but admits to being concerned about the lack ‍of long-term prospects‍ in the field. For that ‍reason, she has made the decision to complete her dental medicine studies and fulfill​ her dream of becoming a dentist.

“I am a ⁢little afraid​ that this influencer career doesn’t‌ have a long-term perspective. That’s why I want to‌ finish my studies in dental ⁤medicine, which I had decided on ⁣before Love Island, to have security and a profession ‌for the rest of my life,” Denisa shared.

The ⁣couple’s lives‍ have been​ truly changed by their experience on Love Island. Denisa entered ​the reality show with the intention of gaining new experiences, but little did she know‌ that it would lead ‍her‌ down⁣ such a transformative path. Now, she and Krytof are excited to embark on their next⁢ chapter together, as Denisa moves to Brno⁣ to be with ‍him.

Denisa’s‍ story serves as ⁣a reminder that sometimes life takes‍ unexpected turns, but ​it’s important⁤ to always pursue⁤ your dreams. Despite the fame and success she ​has ⁣achieved as an influencer, Denisa’s priority remains her education and future career as a dentist. With unwavering determination, she is⁣ ready to⁤ face the ‌challenges ‍that lie ahead and build a stable future for herself and Krytof.

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