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Denis Gravouil: “The reform of unemployment insurance wanted by the government is absurd”



On the railway strike

“The railway workers are right to go on strike. “

“We are seeing all the effects of the rail reform. “

“The internal reorganization of the SNCF is being done to the detriment of the railway workers and therefore of the public service. “

“If some think that it is not good to go on strike, we can also consider that it is not good to push through reforms using the Covid and the so-called return to normalcy. “

On the reform of unemployment insurance

“We pretend it’s a balanced reform while we hit hard on the unemployed by pretending they were responsible for accepting short contracts because they have no choice but to accept them then that in fact it is the recruiters to look at. “

“The tartufferie is revealed when we see that what has allowed the resurgence of short contracts is the deregulation of the labor code, the various adjustments to the labor law which have encouraged recourse to fixed-term contracts. The real pressure should come from a strengthening of the labor code and a penalty on the use of all precarious contracts. “

On the degression of allowances

“We could say that degression only concerns high salaries and that it is already not so bad. “

“Degression also affects people who will have difficulty finding work – as if it was their fault. People are looking for work that matches their qualifications. Degression is absurd because it does not create jobs and it only pushes people to accept jobs below their qualification. They take the work of someone with less qualifications and so on in a cascade, so that it is the less qualified who find themselves having more difficulty in finding a job. ”

On the new method of calculating compensation and its entry into force

“The method of calculating unemployment benefits has been suspended by summary suspension from the Council of State. “

“The decision of the Council of State is a real slap inflicted on the government. And above all, this is good news for 1.15 million people. “

“The argument of the Ministry of Labor is to say that we will lower the benefits of the unemployed to encourage them to take a CDI. This is absurd and one need only look at the 3.5 million unemployed who do not have an allowance. “

On the end of whatever it costs

“The partial activity did not cover the fixed-term contracts: they were therefore precarious, at Pôle Emploi without compensation or very low. “

“There is a risk of a fall in wages, differentiated by sector: we maintain jobs with state aid and Unédic which pays a third of the partial activity but we do not guarantee income levels. . We are therefore using the crisis to lower wages and save money on the backs of employees by blackmailing employment. “

“Tens of thousands of people will find themselves at the end of rights all at once in July as if everything had returned to normal when we know very well that it is harder to find work when we were unemployed and not find another when we were on a permanent contract. “

On the reopening of theaters and the start of summer festivals

“Everyone is happy that it is reopening… even if everything has not reopened: many big events and concerts are canceled by prefects. “

“The government claimed that everything was settled for the recovery, but there is no recovery plan for the performing arts. “

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