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Denis Brogniart Koh-Lanta “shocked” the strategy of the prod really goes too far

Denis Brogniart, iconic presenter of Koh-Lanta, is not easily shocked. But there, he is so surprised that he feels compelled to share what he learns with fans of the show. His discoveries on adventurers’ strategies can be chilling.

Denis Brogniart chats with Koh-Lanta fans on social media for many reasons

Denis Brogniart is very active on social networks. On Instagram and on Twitter, the host of Koh-Lanta is there every day for fans. Denis Brogniart notably talks about the episodes that fans are coming duty. But it also promotes formats different from those of Koh-Lanta. Indeed, he receives live on Instagram former candidates for the show. Either they have just been eliminated or they are candidates from previous seasons. He also hosts an adventure podcast in which adventurers from all walks of life testify.

To be up to date in this field which mixes courage and thirst for new sensations, Denis Brogniart does extensive research. It was while conducting one of his investigations that he discovered that sometimes the strategy went too far. Indeed, Koh-Lanta is a French program but in other countries, you will be able to find another very own version of the concept. Thus, Denis Brogniart discovers Survivor. This is the American version of the concept of Koh-Lanta in France. In the passage that shocks Denis Brogniart, the adventurers receive the visit of their loved ones. One by one they can take a loved one in their arms. But then they have to decide on one adventurer to spend the day with their loved one. The others will return to an isolated island and will have to be content with being able to hug them for a moment.

An extreme but effective strategy, Denis Brogniart probe subscribers

A difficult decision and this is where the strategy comes in. One of the adventurers prepares a blow to move all the others and gain comfort in efforts. When he receives his loved one, his best friend arrives. He then announced the death of his grandmother. But this is completely untrue and the adventurer knows it. The two of them play the comedy in order to soften the other candidates. Obviously, the scheme works and it wins comfort. He spends the day with his best friend while the others imagine him the worst.

Dens Brogniart found this strategy surprising and he has trouble imagining what it could provoke as a reaction on the public of Koh-Lanta. Curious, he shares the extract on Instagram and asks their subscribers for their opinions.

The betrayals do not pass for the fans of Koh-Lanta but they have the merit of making them react en masse

Comments are shared. All the comments recognize that the strategy works, but the debate is then more about morale. Should we have a minimum integrity or are all hits allowed? Some comments condemn this action on the principle that one should not play with death. Others condemn it because the game must not be impacted by an event outside the island. And finally others condemn her for lack of ethics. Making strategies would therefore have limits and Denis Brogniart is obviously trying to understand which ones. Because public opinion is most important to the success of a show. And obviously, fans of Koh-Lanta are not ready to accept these kinds of strategies.

There are however certain comments which validate the tactics of the American candidate. Indeed, the objective remains to win the program. Making the most of comfort and gaining the most immunity makes it easier to reach the goal. In this sense, it only respects the game by playing it really thoroughly. However, even he realized that it was certainly the biggest lie in the history of Survivor. And he knows full well that these acts will be severely tried when they are known to all.

The final is fast approaching

While the French public was already struggling to digest the change of camp of Régis, impossible to believe that this situation would happen quietly in France. Maybe Denis Brogniart wanted to put Koh-Lanta fans into perspective in advance? In any case, Régis is now eliminated for good. Jessica was avenged thanks to double vote of Claude who shone again last night. He again wins the totem on a new event. A test that earned Eric to be eliminated. There are only five adventurers left on Koh Lanta Island. Claude was directly propelled into the final thanks to his victory. It remains to be seen who the other two adventurers he will face on the poles.

The final of Koh-Lanta is not far away and fans are anxious to know who will win the 100,000 euros at stake. The adventurers still in competition are Moussa, Claude, Alexandra, Naoil and Inès. the suspense remains intact for the rest of the events. And fans of Koh-Lanta will certainly still let off steam on the internet at the slightest announcement. The passions unleashed on Koh-Lanta have never been so great.

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