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Denis Brogniart justifies himself on the “scathing words” addressed to Inès during the last council

Fans of Koh-Lanta have already proven repeatedly to be very responsive on social networks. They analyze and dissect each moment of the program and form clear opinions about the participants. But they also take into account the words of Denis Brogniart. And during the last council, the presenter puts the adventurer Inès in her place with “scathing words”. Denis Brogniart quickly justified himself on the networks. Because this sentence could be misinterpreted!

Denis Brogniart, still there for Koh-Lanta

Denis Brogniart has presented Koh-Lanta for years. The show made its first television appearance in 2001 and Denis Brogniart presented it in 2002. This year, we are witnessing the 20th edition of the concept. A concept that brings together many fans and which this year features former chefs. The adventurers have therefore all been keen candidates from Koh-Lanta. So the strategies, tensions and physical benefits are more than ever sharpened for this edition. All of this creates an even more enjoyable atmosphere for fans. And they are also necessarily much more critical.

Inès has rightly been the target of threats and bullying of users of social networks. Fans did not at all appreciate her pursuing a strategy to have Sam eliminated. For the most part, it was a great disappointment to see this candidate leave. Inès was forced to file a complaint against the number and the violence of the threats she received. Even Denis Brogniart was forced to defend the adventurous candidates. Reminding everyone that Koh-Lanta is above all a game. It can arouse passion, but it should not be lived outside of the television.

The presenter accepts his words but takes the time to explain them to kill the controversies in the bud before possible overflows

Calm regained, Denis Brogniart understood that he had to be vigilant about slippage. But the filming of Koh-Lanta is already finished, and what has been said can no longer change. Therefore, he tries to quickly defuse any situation that could escalate. And indeed, a situation was not lost on fans of the show. During the last meeting, Denis Brogniart asked Inès a question that could be taken as an assault. He asks her if she thinks she can go further since she has less merit than her partners in the show. The tests are tough and Denis Brogniart has the role of recalling the scores that the adventurers make during the tests of the game. And it is true that Inès does not have a very good ratio.

Since the confinement, Denis Brogniart has made live on Instagram to debrief the programs broadcast. Thus, to each of the lives Denis Brogniart receives the candidate adventurers eliminated from the adventure. It is therefore by receiving Jessica that he takes the time to reconsider the remarks he addressed to Inès.

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Denis Brogniart takes care of the candidates but is not there to mother them, he must think about the questions of the public in front of the show

According to him, his question was a bit dry but justified. We must not forget the atmosphere that reigns during the councils. Denis Brogniart is not there to make it easy for the adventurers of Koh-Lanta. It recognizes the victories but also the defeats of each of the candidates. And if he allowed himself to speak of the merits of Inès, it is that the former yellows confessed to wanting to vote on merit now. A way for them not to feel like they are betraying each other. Because even though they know there should only be one and they all want to be that one, links have been created in the show. They all go through the same ordeals and without solidarity or friendship, it would be very difficult to go through with the experience.

It is therefore to bounce back on this exchange that Denis Brogniart puts Inès in the center of attention. Because the adventurer does not have a lot of victories on her board. And if the votes are made on merit, she risks being in danger at the next council. Frankly, Denis Brogniart perhaps suggests that strategies keep an important place in victory. If merit was enough, the show would not have allowed adventurers to vote against each other. This necessarily adds a special dimension essential to the concept of the program. It also adds to the suspense that fans live in front of their screens.

The end of Instagram’s lives Denis Brogniart

With the end of confinement, Denis Brogniart’s Instagram lives will stop. Fans will regret his interviews and interventions. But all good things must end. The comments under his latest video are legion asking him to continue. Maybe he will change his mind? In any case for his penultimate live announced, Denis Brogniart received Ugo, by interposed screens. Ugo was the winner of the 2012 edition of Koh-Lanta, which was then taking place in Malaysia.

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Denis Brogniart wanted to be clear as in each of his speeches. For the presenter, adventure counts more than anything. so he obviously wants the public to enjoy watching each episode of Koh Lanta. But he also ensures the well-being of adventurers as much as possible. Denis Brogniart is involved body and soul in this show which soon represents twenty years of his career as a presenter. The media excesses around the controversies that could take place in Koh-lanta, he will not let them take over. Because Koh-Lanta is first of all the passion for adventure and the suspense shared by the audience of the show.

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