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Denied Jhoni Allen, Democrat, the Value of Changing the Preamble is Legitimate. Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Deputy of the DPP Election Winning Body (Bappilu) Democratic party Kamhar Lakumani assessed that the change of preamble made in a congress is valid. This is because the congress is the institution that has the highest authority in the party.

Kamhar expressed this in response to the statement of the Secretary General of the Democratic Party of the Deli Serdang Extraordinary Congress (KLB) version, Jhoni Allen Marbun on the change of Preamble Articles of Association/ Democrat Bylaws (AD / ART) in the V 2020 Congress.

“The Congress as the institution with the highest authority has the authority to change the AD / ART, including changing the preamble if it becomes a congressional agreement,” Kamhar said in his statement, Thursday (11/3/2021).

Kamhar explained, the mukadimah in the AD / ART allows for revision if it is deemed necessary in order to respond to the dynamics in time and space.

He assessed that the revision of the preamble was able to make the contents of the preamble more adaptive, relevant and not anachronic.

“Jhoni Allen Marbun’s statement about this reflects a feudal attitude in organization and obscurantism,” he said.

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He added that the faction against AHY, which he called the Democratic Party Leadership Takeover Movement (GPK-PD), was indicated to be trapped in the romanticism of the past.

According to Kamhar, this group ignores regeneration and finds it difficult to accept the fact that it has lost power as a logical consequence of changes in management and the position of the Democrats who are now outside the government.

“Therefore, through this KLB they hope that their desire to be in power can be served, both as the main leadership of the Democratic Party and as part of a coalition government that gets access and a portion of the power cake,” he said.

Kamhar continued, this was confirmed by the statement by the KLB group which said they had prepared cadres to enter the government.

He also assessed that the KLB group was indicated to have failed to move on because they were still using the 2005 Democratic Party AD / ART as a guideline and reference for providing the KLB legal standing.

“This is difficult to accept and contrary to common sense. In any organization, the statutes / articles of association that apply as law are the newest AD / ART agreed and stipulated in the decision making forum for that which is legal and legal,” he said.

On this basis, continued Kamhar, the Democratic Party still considered the results of the V 2020 Congress to be legitimate.

He also said that the KLB group seemed to force themselves to use AD / ART in 2005.

Also read: Asking AHY to be Responsible, Jhoni Allen Called the Contents of the Preamble of the Democratic Army / ART to Change

Previously, Jhoni Allen Marbun criticized the change in the preamble or the opening of the initial version of the Democratic Party in 2001.

According to Jhoni, the party’s preamble cannot be changed. On that basis, he said that his party would report the change of preamble in the Democratic Party’s statutes to the authorities.

“And we will report this as a forgery, especially the opening or preamble of the AD / ART not in accordance with the preamble to the establishment of the Democratic Party,” Jhoni said in Jakarta, Thursday (11/3/2021) as quoted Kompas.tv.

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