Through a ministerial resolution, the Ministry of Health the agreed technical document pilot plan for anti-dengue vaccine andIn the four categories of the Peru. This project, which takes place between 2024 and 2025, seeks to reduce dengue morbidity and mortality, as well as its socio-economic impact on children and adolescents aged 10 to 16 years.
The doses will be entered Tumbes, Piura, Loreto y a blessing. As recalled, in 2023 the country’s worst epidemic was reported. Peru of the past few years. Despite the figures, the minister pointed out that the count was controlled this year.

The vaccine of choice for this program is the quadrivalent vaccine, which is given two doses with an interval of three months. This decision was taken following the recommendations of the Authority Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The aim is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of including this vaccine in the country’s regular vaccination schedule.
The technical document also describes several specific objectives, such as increasing the awareness of the population in the intervention areas and promoting access to the vaccine. In addition, it is planned to evaluate the immunogenicity and effectiveness of the vaccine, implement monitoring and notification processes, and organize health services to respond to events that are said to be due to vaccination. and vaccination (ESAVI).
Community participation is another key part of the plan, which aims to work hand in hand with the local governments to ensure the success of the program.

From this department, a budget agreement of S / 50 million 730 thousand 217 was achieved for a plan that will benefit 222 thousand 750 children and adolescents in 16 areas in the departments of Loreto, Piura, Tumbes and Ucayali.
This funding is established in Law No. 32103, which authorizes additional credits for costs related to Economic Recovery.
These are the areas of Loreto
- Iquitos with 18,730 children
- Punchana with 12,309 children
- San Juan Bautista with 22 miles 308
These are the areas in Piura
- Bellavista by 3316
- Castilla with 21 thousand 982
- Chulucanas with 9363
- Paris with 11 thousand 884
- Piura with 23 thousand 016
- Sullana with 21 thousand 569
- Tambogrande with 14 miles 917
These are the areas in Tumbes
- Corals by 1795
- Tumbes with 12 thousand 228
- Zarumilla by 2052
These are the areas in Ucayali
- Street with 18 miles 739
- Manantay with 13 thousand 783
- Yarinacocha with 14 thousand 759
This plan is carried out with the participation of several areas of the Minsa such as the General Directorate of Strategic Interventions in Public Health, the Directorate of Prevention and Control of Metaxenic Diseases and Zoonoses, the General Directorate of Health Environment and Food Safety. In addition, the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Disease, and the National Center for the Provision of Strategic Health Resources and others.
It is important to know the symptoms of the mosquito called Aedes aegypti and therefore go to a health center to prevent infection. Similarly, it is recommended not to self-medicate to avoid health problems.
- High fever (39-40°C)
- Severe headache.
- Eye pain.
- Muscle and joint pain.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Bleeding from the nose, gums or under the skin (petechiae).
- Fast breathing.
2024-11-02 20:17:00
#Dengue #Vaccination #doses #required #regions #applied