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Dengue Fever Threats Bogor Regency

BOGOR – In this rainy season, dengue fever threatens in Bogor Regency. Director of the Ciawi Hospital, Dr. Mohammad Tsani Musyafa, explained that the number of dengue fever patients treated at Ciawi Hospital mostly attacked children.

“Yes, most patients with fever are treated at the Ciawi Hospital for children,” he said, Thursday (4/11/2021).

Previously reported, dengue fever began to attack residents in the southern region of Bogor Regency.

In October alone, there were 25 residents infected with dengue fever who underwent intensive care at the Ciawi Hospital.

“Yes, as long as it’s not October, there are 25 dengue fever patients that we are treating,” said Ciawi Hospital Director Mohammad Tsani Musyafa to Radar Bogor Thursday (4/11/2021).

To anticipate the spike in dengue fever cases, Ciawi Hospital maximizes the number of treatment beds.

“Yes, we have prepared a maximum of beds or beds, both adults and children,” he explained.

He also asked residents to prevent the emergence of new cases of dengue fever. By eliminating existing mosquito larvae through 5 M.

These include draining the bath tub, closing the jars, changing the water in the flower vase, burying items that are easily flooded and sowing abate powder every 2-3 months.

He also reminded, not only prevent dengue fever. Don’t slack off on Covid-19 prevention.

Prokes (health protocols) are also maintained. Keep your distance and wear a mask.

“In addition to preventing dengue, we must also remain focused on preventing the transmission of Covid-19,” he said. (RB/pojokbogor)

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