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Dengue fever is seriously afraid of hemorrhagic shock!Dengue fever symptoms, infection prevention methods to see at a time

[Morning Health/Report by Wu Minshan]The dengue fever epidemic is raging. There have been 10 imported cases of dengue fever in China this year, mainly from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Huang Limin, a distinguished professor of pediatrics at the National Taiwan University School of Medicine, said in an interview that if the border between the north and the south of vector mosquitoes is broken, there may be multiple outbreaks in Taiwan this summer. Even Luo Yijun, deputy director of the CDC, also pointed out that with the The unblocking of borders and the increase in the frequency of people traveling overseas will greatly increase the chances of local dengue fever epidemics this year.

Dengue fever is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes, and most of them occur in summer. However, with the increase of imported cases, this year’s dengue fever epidemic may also spread earlier. What kind of infectious disease is dengue fever? Is dengue fever transmitted from person to person other than mosquitoes? How to prevent and control dengue fever? This article takes you to quickly understand the big and small things about dengue fever!

What is dengue fever? What are the transmission routes of dengue fever?

Dengue fever, commonly known as “tengu fever” or “broken bone fever”, is an acute infectious disease caused by vector mosquito bites. It is similar to Japanese encephalitis virus and yellow fever virus. Dengue fever viruses can be subdivided into “Ⅰ” according to their antigenicity. , Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ” and so on, if a patient is infected with one of these types, he will be immune to the type for life, but he will only have short-term protection against other dengue viruses, and he may still be re-infected with other types in the future. other dengue viruses.

The dengue virus is mainly transmitted through mosquito bites. When the virus multiplies in the mosquito body for about 8 to 12 days, the vector mosquito has the ability to transmit dengue virus for life. There is only one condition that can cause the phenomenon of “human-to-human transmission”, that is When the mother is infected with dengue fever during pregnancy, the fetus will be infected vertically, leading to premature birth, low birth weight, and even death. There are also cases of transmission through blood transfusion, organ transplantation, needle injection or sexual behavior, but relatively uncommon .

What are the symptoms of dengue infection? How can dengue fever be treated?

When a patient is bitten by a vector mosquito carrying dengue virus, the onset will occur after an incubation period of about 3 to 14 days. Typical symptoms include high fever, headache, posterior orbital pain, muscle pain, arthralgia, rash, etc., if successively People infected with different types of dengue fever, or those who are elderly or have chronic diseases, have a higher chance of developing severe symptoms after infection with dengue fever. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding, organ damage, and may even lead to shock.

【Typical Symptoms of Dengue Fever】

  • high fever
  • headache
  • posterior orbital pain
  • muscle ache
  • joint pain
  • rash

At present, there is no specific drug to treat dengue fever, and “prescribing the right medicine” is the main method. Many studies have shown that patients infected with dengue fever will increase the permeability of microvessels, causing the water (plasma) in the blood vessels to leak out of the blood vessels, resulting in Shock and subsequent complications, so most people can recover at the initial stage of dengue infection as long as they replenish water and take a good rest. However, once signs of severe illness appear, they must go to the hospital for treatment, otherwise the mortality rate of dengue infection may be as high as 20%. above.

What can be done to prevent dengue fever? The vector mosquitoes in the north and the south are different, so what is the trick to preventing dengue fever?

Dengue fever is also known as an “environmental disease”. As long as there are breeding sources of vector mosquitoes in the living area, there is a possibility of causing widespread epidemics. At present, counties and cities such as Hualien, Tainan, and Kaohsiung have resorted to environmental disinfection operations. The city government also calls on patients with dengue fever to report within 5 days of entering the country or within 2 days of onset of symptoms. A reward of 2,500 yuan will be issued to prevent and stop the dengue fever epidemic.

If people encounter dengue fever disinfection around their homes, they must put away important items, cover food, close doors, windows and air conditioners, and pay special attention to the fact that the insect repellent used for dengue fever disinfection is toxic to pets It is quite high, and it must be temporarily placed in a space where it will not be exposed to disinfection fumes. If there is an aquarium at home, it must also be covered.

To prevent dengue fever at home, in addition to installing window screens, hanging mosquito nets while sleeping, or wearing more light-colored long-sleeved clothing outdoors, and applying mosquito repellents containing DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535 on exposed skin, etc., you can also learn from the habits of northern and southern vector mosquitoes. Come up to judge which containers are easy to breed vector mosquitoes and need to be cleaned regularly.

vector mosquito species Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus
Distribution area South of Zhuoshui River all over Taiwan
Habitat habits More than indoors, especially in dark curtains, clothes, drapes and other dark places More than outdoors, plants near breeding sources or shaded places
blood-sucking habit High alertness and easily startled, so they prefer to bite in batches Low vigilance, easy to catch, mostly one-time satiation
Main breeding source Artificial containers, including vases, flower pot chassis, refrigerator chassis, buckets, pottery urns, cement tanks, waste tires, etc. Natural containers such as tree hollows, bamboo tubes, leaf shafts, and coconut shells

  1. Introduction and Treatment of the Breeding Source of Dengue Fever Mosquito
  2. Dengue Fever – Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  3. Disease Introduction – Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  4. Species and distribution of dengue vector mosquitoes—synchronous global dengue fever fever
  5. Second Case of Dengue Fever Immigrated from Overseas in Nanshi
  6. The new crown is unblocked!Dengue Fever Outside the North, Central and South China, Huang Limin, a great doctor in Taiwan, is worried that there may be more outbreaks in summer
  7. Dengue fever patients follow the doctor’s advice for treatment and drink more water to reduce the risk of severe illness and death

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